Need deck help please
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 10, 2012, 3:52 p.m. by TenaciousTaurus
So i have two decks, Deadly Pod and Bloody the Night, and i only have enough cash to make one. I really need help choosing one for FNM. I like both decks and how they feel card wise but I cant choose. Please help me.
narutozach says... #3
After doing some ( about 10 tests each), i've come to a conclusion. use your Bloody the Night deck, thats my opinion, just because it's way faster and it makes your opponent freak out about its kill spells. thats my 2 cents.. good luck.
narutozach says... #2
i will do some testing, but i would definitely go with the one that gives you the most creature advantage, or that can kill your opponent the fastest, just because the metagame right now is really based around aggro decks such as wolf's, white humans, green aggro ( like mine, The Guild Of Goony Green Guy's ) and tempered steel.
February 10, 2012 4:42 p.m.