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Deck Help forum

Posted on May 22, 2012, 12:18 a.m. by Randerolph91

Made this deck last night and was just looking for some comments and input on the deck in general. It shares similarities with "Graveborn" but is made to be a more player friendly deck in terms of FNM's. However I would still like for this deck to be brought to a tournament a fair decently if not allow me to go home the winner (who doesn't like to win right?) I'm currently working on the description of the deck to allow more insight to you all viewing it to gauge it's playability. Constructive criticism is more then welcome.

Check out my deck shallow-graves

Randerolph91 says... #2

my markdown skills suck here you all go;

Shallow Graves

May 22, 2012 12:26 a.m.

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