Need help Building first Deck to
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 13, 2018, 7:46 p.m. by bluedragon2k9
I need help building my first magic deck that can beat my friends counter surge challenger deck.I bought the planeswalker pyrogenius deck and cant do much with it.So what would you guys suggest?
Anteus3575 says... #3
btw; burn is always a fun deck to play, and you could get a budget mono red version or more expensive modern naya burn
April 13, 2018 7:52 p.m.
Bulldawg1310 says... #4
bluedragon2k9 Couple of questions here, question 1: what is your budget looking like? Question 2: are you only playing against this one other person or are you planning on playing more competitively? And the last question: what is your style of play? Do you like building things and seeing how theyll work? Or are you a i saw this deck played and id like to try it out. Answer these questions and id be happy to help you further.
April 13, 2018 10:34 p.m.
bluedragon2k9 says... #5
Right now my budget is tops 90 bucks. I would like to get into tournaments eventually but as of right now just me and friends playing at the kitchen table. Well, I kind of hate the fact that he can use cards like fatal push and or walk the plank.I guess you can say I hate the idea of my creatures not even getting to attack.So I Guess I would like to do a lot of damage without the threat of removal if thats possible or to be able to handle removal.I know I love doing damage with my creatures.but his deck won't allow me to do that and it's driving me nuts.
April 14, 2018 1:28 a.m.
bluedragon2k9 says... #8
recommend any good burn decks that could take this counter surge out?
April 14, 2018 2:57 a.m.
Bulldawg1310 says... #9
bluedragon2k9 the trouble with competitive burn is going to be your budget. Mono red good decks are gonna be in the 3-6 hundred dollar range. Youre gonna need quick creatures like Goblin Guide and Vexing Devil, Eidolon of the Great Revel is gonna punish him for most of his spells. Then you have your staples, Lightning Bolt, Rift Bolt, Lava Spike, things like that. Best thing to do is do your research and get the cards you can afford and as you get better and build up store credit (or more money) grab the other stuff youll need. Until then, just try to find other options that may be weaker but can still fill the spots. I always reccomend soul sisters builds for first time deck builders, its a fun way to interact and learn the game and it actually can compete for a relatively low budget, and theres so many flex things you can do. You can build these for roughly 175-200 bucks based on your mana base. Hope this helps, dont be afraid to reach out and ask more questions if ya have em.
April 14, 2018 5:45 a.m.
bluedragon2k9 says... #10
Well, I ended up buying the hazoret aggro challenger deck with some other cards to upgrade it.I also am going to my first ever draft Friday night.Got any advice for me when I draft from the dominaria set?
April 18, 2018 7:40 p.m.
I assume you mean the prerelease, correct? Prerelease events are Sealed, which is a slightly different format than Draft. Both involve opening packs and using what you get. Sealed means you are the only one with access to your pack cards, and you have to build using the packs you open. Draft involves multiple players picking from the same cards.
Here is my advice for prerelease:
First and foremost, Prerelease events are the most casual Magic events you go to. In my experience, most players are there to have fun, as everyone knows their deck is likely to be terrible. Prereleases also attract players like myself who don't enjoy and don't have time for other sanctioned events. Be casual, have fun, and try to stay the whole time!
Moving on to actually helpful advice, ChannelFireball usually has very strong "limited set reviews" for each of the colours. These are focused toward draft, but contain valuable information for prereleases as well. More importantly, there tend to be some horrific puns in the analysis.
Prerelease decks should generally be creature-heavy. I've been successful with burn/ramp/control decks at prereleases before, but those were more decks of necessity because I drew some awful sets of creatures.
Removal, even removal that might be inefficient in constructed, is your friend.
Combat tricks are better in Sealed than construction, as they can be used as removal spells and win conditions.
Flying is the best keyword in Sealed. Facing an opponent with limited ways of combating flying creatures is not uncommon.
Do not go into the event with a preconception of what colour you want to play--after all, you might not get anything in that colour.
Try to stick to two colours. Three is possible, but only do that if you absolutely must.
Be very careful about building around a specific card (i.e. the foil rare/mythic each prerelease pack contains). It might be a card that wins you the game, but if the rest of your deck does not have enough oomph, then you are pretty much relying on random chance.
April 18, 2018 7:59 p.m.
bluedragon2k9 says... #12
well to try and help clear up what I meant the lgs owner said they would be eight players per a table each player gets three packs of dominaria cards you open one pack pick a card and pass it to your left and continue until they are no cards left.
April 19, 2018 12:45 p.m.
bluedragon2k9 says... #13
not sure if I should attend this event or not.Since I am a new player.Thank you for the tips but I think I may have confused you to what format I would be taking part in if I went
April 19, 2018 12:49 p.m.
That's odd, and does not seem correct--what you describe is a draft event, not Prerelease. Friday April 20th is prerelease weekend--the cards are not officially released as packs until the 28th. At prerelease, you don't get regular packs--you get a prerelease box with packs, a life counter, and a promo card (two promos with Dominaria!).
Contact your LGS and be sure--there is a big difference between Prerelease and Draft. Draft can be fairly competitive, and you need to have a strong grasp of the game to (a) pick the right cards, (b) build a strong deck, and (c) figure out what others are doing based on the cards they pick.
While it helps to be experienced at Prerelease, newer players can still have fun. Everyone is experiencing the cards for the first time, leading to a less competitive environment. I highly recommend going to the Prerelease, regardless of your skill level.
April 20, 2018 12:36 a.m.
bluedragon2k9 says... #15
Ok, I contacted the lgs to be sure.25 dollars to join the event.He said that we would be grouped randomly into groups of 8 at a table.Everyone will get 3 packs.I would open my first pack, choose a card and pass it to my left.The person to my right will hand me a pack I pick from that pass it to my left.and it continues until they are no cards left.So Should I still go or would this be a bad idea for a new player?
Anteus3575 says... #2
you could buy one of the other challenger decks, like Hazoret red, or vehicle rush. Or you could go to to find some decks (budget or non-budget)
April 13, 2018 7:51 p.m.