Need help completing pauper deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 29, 2018, 12:17 a.m. by TheMountainLion
I am not very good at deck building, in general, in any format... I do however sometimes come up with ideas that I think I would have fun playing. For example Bant Pauper Thallids (GUW)
But I still have 5 slots open in the mainboard (not to mention sideboad) and I would love everyone's thoughts and advice and 2 cents worth (NOT limited to just the open slots), Thanks!
P.S. Read the deck discription
Boza says... #2
First, I had no idea Thrummingbird was a common. Holy smokes, that is a cool common!
Secondly, mana in Pauper is tough. Building a three color deck that functions requires a lot of commitment to fixing. But I really like the idea, so we have to make it work.
Now, lets start from the start. We need 22 lands and 38 non-lands. We want Pallid Mycoderm and Thrummingbird as creatures in the deck for sure, so 4 of each should be good. 30 to go.
We want green because fungus and saproling. 4 Thallid Shell-Dweller, 4 Thallid, 4 Vitaspore Thallid, 2 Sporoloth Ancient, get in there. 16 to go.
More sparolings are always cool. 2 Sprout Swarm and 4 Scatter the Seeds are vital. 10 to go.
From here, everything is options - I like at least 6 removal which is 4 Journey to Nowhere and 2 Oblivion Ring and you can go up to 10 if you like. But maybe you prefer more blue for things like Steady Progress or cards that buy time like Moment's Peace. Or cards that draw more cards like Shared Discovery. Or more cards that benefit from having a lot of dudes like Scion of the Wild Up to you.
For the lands, I think you need to save space in the non-land department and run things like Evolving Wilds and guildgates or ravnica bounce lands like Azorius Chancery.
I hope this helps. Build the deck in TO and goldfish a few times to see if you like the feel of it.
April 29, 2018 2:58 a.m.