Need help developing miracle deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 31, 2012, 6:58 a.m. by DoctorMiKo

More or less one year ago I started playing MTG for the third time. I love standard and am slowly building a decent card pool. So far I have mostly played slightly modified versions of decks found on the (now gone) "building on a budget" column on wizards website with alternating success at FNM. I am finally able to build a Standard version of the Halleluyah! Mono-miracle deck, and I wanted to include red for Bonfire of the Damned because it's such an awesome card and red opens up interesting possibilities. I've tried building U/R, but without Entreat the Angels , the deck has almost no endgame. So far DoctorMiracle is my attempt, but I seriously need help because I am almost new to deck building. My aim is to make it competitive enough for the FNM before rotation...

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