Need help finishing a sideboard
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 19, 2013, 3:41 a.m. by apple41792
I wanna finish building my Flying Heroic Humans deck but i have no ideal what to put in the sideboard
Need help finishing a sideboard
I wanna finish building my Flying Heroic Humans deck but i have no ideal what to put in the sideboard
Slycne says... #2
You seem to be missing some cards. You're at 56, and 14 land is just never going to be consistent enough to be competitive.
As for sideboard, Gods Willing and Brave the Elements are going to be absolutely necessary, in fact I would mainboard some. Auras are very weak to removal, and you just can't afford to get 2 for 1-ed that often. AEtherling is just out of the question, any game you get enough mana to cast it is long since lost. Other stuff is going to depend on what your local meta is like. Glare of Heresy , Last Breath , Banisher Priest , Gainsay , Pithing Needle and Rootborn Defenses are all worth considering in some number.
December 19, 2013 4:02 a.m.