Need help from Tron-Eldrazi experts

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 12, 2024, 4:11 a.m. by mitomeg

I want to build and buy an ultra budget Eldrazi-Tron deck.

That's what i come up to: Eldrazi Casual Budget

Help me complete it and improve it!!

wallisface says... #2

My first thought is that it looks too much like you’re doing two things here, and you need to pick a lane. Tron decks either only do ramping/assembling-tron early, and then win with their impactful large-mana cards, OR the deck sticks relatively low to the ground, gaining potential speed from assembling tron, but primarily just trying to be aggressive and win the game fast.

By trying to enact both parts of that plan I think you’ll struggle to do either - so personally i’d first suggest picking a lane, and ditching the other half of the cards that don’t help you achieve that.

Here’s some very-loose examples of what i’m getting at. I’ve tried to mostly use cards already in your current list:

Option 1, Ramp Eldrazi Tron

Option 2, Aggressive Eldrazi Tron

It feels like on an ultra budget, the first ramp option is going to be more viable - its hard to find decent low-money cards for option 2.

September 12, 2024 7:12 a.m.

mitomeg says... #3

Thank you very much man!

I like the option 1!

Do you think these are the best eldrazi to have in a budget list? Also what about a possible Blood Moon? Isn't Oblivion Stone too slow?

September 12, 2024 9:14 a.m.

wallisface says... #4

I’m not sure how “budget” your “budget” is - if you can give me an indicator as to the max cost of the deck I can probably improve what i’ve listed there.

Oblivion Stone lets you board-wipe on turn 4 assuming you’ve assembled tron, which is perfectly reasonable. It was a staple card in many competitive tron decks for quite some time (mh3 did change this).

Blood Moon is something you’d answer with cards in your sideboard - it’s not something you should be worrying about mainboard as in most matchups you’re not going to see it. You’d probably want to dedicate around 3 sideboard cards to something like Nature's Claim.

September 12, 2024 3:30 p.m.

wallisface says... #5

Trying to optimise option 1 while still trying to keep things reasonably close to an average of $1-per-card:

Note both Oblivion Stone and Ugin, the Ineffable give you potential mainboard answers to Blood Moon (albeit slow)

September 12, 2024 4:25 p.m.

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