Need help on choosing a new Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 14, 2018, 4:58 p.m. by Loeffner
I need help for choosing a new Deck. I know it might not be so interesting for some of you since I only play casual, but I hope some of you come up with cool suggestions.
I mostly play against two other Players. Either it's all vs. all, or attack your left.
In the last few weeks they started to rapidly improve their Decks (their playstyle improved as well) and I am having really a hard time to win.
I want to get some new cards or an entirely new Deck. I hope some of you can help me choose and have some cool ideas. I would really like to get a control Deck that will help me win (most of the time). Now of course this is a casual playgroup so I do not want an unbeatable Deck or some broken infinite combos (not much fun for me and my opponents).
In the following I will give a short overview on the Decks I will be facing most of the time.
Opponent 1, Deck 1:
A red & blue aggro/control. His win condition is usually Nivix Cyclops + Teleportal and a lot of other spells like for example Cyclonic Rift. This way he can keep the board clean and do lots of damage very fast.
Opponent 1, Deck 2:
A mono white Soldier Deck. I haven't played against this Deck very often but it relies strongly on Synergies with +1/+1 Counters. Also one or two strong Angel finishers.
Opponent 2, Deck 1:A
A mono green Elven Token Deck. This Deck creates lots of tokens, buffs them with Lords and +1/+1 Counters, and attacks with all of them.
Opponent 2, Deck 2:
A red & black Wither Deck. This Deck - of course - relies on -1/-1 Counters. These are very effective against my weak creatures. Cards he runs are for example: Kulrath Knight, Blowfly Infestation.
My Main Deck: Casually Merrowing
I know most Merrow Decks are Aggro, but I don't really want to spend a lot of money just on Lords. Also a new Deck would be nice.
My Budget: Below 30 Euro. Go Wild!
TL:DR: I need new casual Deck below 30 Euro Ideally Control, Which will win me most games without having boring endless combos or something.
Hey Loeffner, I have put together a few decklists for you here on tappedout, keeping in mind what you have said. I don't know how much more cheaper I can make some of these though without compromising their strategies, but I will leave that up to you to decide.
In fact this first one is the Second Sun Control challenger deck that Wizards put out for sale a few months ago, in fact I play a more expensive version of this deck in standard currently. It could be a good starting point.
Second Sun Control
Here is another control deck except this one's a little different because the goal is to mill your opponent(s). It plays a lot of fog effects like Holy Day to stall attacks against you. I won't take credit for this one either as it's originally a budget magic deck posted by SaffronOlive over at mtggoldfish, however I have made numerous changes to the deck that have made it closer to your price range. (Note there's a number of cards that I left to the side as potential changes you could make to the list).
Turbo Fog
Next is another mill deck, but this one is different again by playing bounce spells like Engulf the Shore, Blink of an Eye etc alongside again Sphinx's Tutelage (It's cheaper than the above list even after the cuts, but I don't think it would fair as well against aggressive decks tbh). I use to play a casual standard deck like this one once in standard, but if I recall I had a few other things in the deck such as Thing in the Ice Flip and Manic Scribe?
Mono Blue Mill
All of this I put together in the span of like 30 minutes and they lack sideboards atm. They all could maybe use some more changes, but I think they are a decent start to what you maybe had in mind. I think if any, you should go for either the Approach of the Second Sun challenger deck or the turbo fog deck listed above out of all of these and you can make more changes as you see fit from there. I hope some of this is of use anyways!
August 14, 2018 7:21 p.m.
Bulldawg1310 says... #4
U/R wizard prowess!!! Super fun, super fast and can be very cheap if you manipulate the land variants
August 15, 2018 1:46 a.m.
Wow, thank you all for not only taking the time to answer but also to even create and explain suggestions.
A Deck full of Counterspells and Removals is no problem. Usually I get my ass beaten in Mario Kart afterwards so I can annoy them in mtg.
I'm not sure what to think of Approach. It seems like a weird abrupt way to end the game. On the other hand it takes quite a while until you get there, and during that time you do have to control the game...
The Suggestion that interest me the most is the TurboFog. Is this Deck really competitive*. Do you have enough fog to protect you even if you get attacked every round (twice)?
I was bit stupid by only allowing control suggestions. I am definitely also open for other interesting Decks and Mechanics!
*competitive as in: can i beat my friends with it more often than not?
August 15, 2018 3:46 a.m.
I read the opener and was just thinking to suggest Second Sun Control from WOTC, with few upgrades. But if it is not something up your alley, maybe I can interest you in some combo decks? You have a severe infestation of creature decks in your group, so going against that grain can be powerful.
A good card for your meta is Solemnity. It stops any counters shenanigans from friends decks and it is a cool combo with Phyrexian Unlife.
Do you have any format you play in, or is it jsut a casual format?
August 15, 2018 4:13 a.m.
Hi Boza,
It is true, there are a lot of creature heavy decks. Only the Opponent 1, Deck 1 contains a playset of Guttersnipes and lots of spell to also boost his Nivix Cyclops.
The Solemnity+Phyrexian Unlife Combo seems cool. I'm just not sure if my friends have anything against it.
This is just casual, so basically everything is allowed, as long as they game stays fun for everyone.
August 15, 2018 4:22 a.m.
I think I have an even better idea, which i have to say is inspired from the deck Tainted Love.
Tainted Remedy and Beacon of Immortality kills an opponent. But you can still run a cool WB deck with Renewed Faith, Condemn, Alms Beast, Swords to Plowshares (if you can cards from outside the modern pool).
It seems fair, cheap and sweet to do.
August 15, 2018 5:23 a.m.
That indeed does look very interesting. Give me some time to come up with one or two decks, then I would be grateful if you could help me improve them.
August 15, 2018 5:50 a.m.
So this a sligthly modified Version of the Turbo Fog with cards that I can buy easily. This would cost me about 40 Euro. Which is 10 Euro over my budget, but still affordable. Sphinx's Tutelage is the most expensive with 12 Euro the Playset. I've tested this deck a few times and it seems better than I would have expected.
It probably loses against burn. Is there anything against that?
August 15, 2018 10:50 a.m.
Well outside of the absurdly priced Leyline of Sanctity, you could try Providence, Blessed Alliance, Authority of the Consuls, Providence, Orbs of Warding, Fog Bank, then you could even play a board wipe like Fumigate? I’m sure there’s more, perhaps even better still than what I have thought up quick. I will try to think of other things later today when I’m home.
I put Psychic Corrosion to the side as a consideration over Sphinx's Tutelage btw also if you want to save a bit more money, but Sphinx's Tutelage I prefer (keep in mind though the wording “each,” however for Psychic Corrosion).
August 15, 2018 11:55 a.m.
Psychic Corrosion seems great! I somehow missed it earlier. It is only a fraction of the cost and targets both of my opponents. Is there any drawback except it takes longer that I don't see?
Leyline of Sanctity is definitely not affordable. And Aegis of the Gods won't survive very long against a red burn. Orbs of Warding seems ok. But it probably takes to long to get it out. It is very cheap, therefore a sideboard option.
Fog Bank: While I really like it as a Card it somehow destroys the beauty of a creatureless Deck.
August 15, 2018 12:40 p.m.
Well the major downside to Psychic Corrosion is that it lacks the chance to mill more than just two cards, Sphinx's Tutelage rather continues to mill your opponent if the 2 cards are both nonlands and share a colour. Then of course although kind of expensive, has that activated ability to trigger the mill effect if you have nothing else to do with mana.
August 15, 2018 1:27 p.m.
Master_of_ov says... #14
curses are for every one(exept you) black-white curses
August 15, 2018 6:09 p.m.
Master_of_ov: The Curses Deck is not really for my taste.
Delta-117: I've updated the list a little bit and added a sideboard. Any opinions?
The Maybeboard are cards I will buy later if I feel the need for it.
August 16, 2018 4:41 a.m.
You really need to determine how not lose versus non-creature threats and how to speed up the deck. I would add 4 Jace's Erasure in place of anything else to speed this puppy up for cheap. Also, you can skimp on Fog effects by going UG and playing Moment's Peace and Fog variants.
You need to also play less fogs and more ways to draw into them. And 20 or 21 lands is plenty - you never need more than 4 in this deck.
August 16, 2018 5:10 a.m. Edited.
You are right. At times the Deck is too slow. Especially when the first Psychic Corrosion gets Oblivion Ring'd. I have added Jace's Erasure for the Fumigate since Creatures usually are no Problem.
August 16, 2018 6:12 a.m.
Circle of Protection: Red could help very well against burn...
August 16, 2018 6:31 a.m.
Master_of_ov says... #19
maybe Riddlekeeper to insetivise them to not attack you
it is a little expensive, but it will protect you against mono white, and the U/R
August 16, 2018 6:49 a.m.
Bad news. The fog deck worked perfectly. My Opponents did not stand a chance. It is way to good for my meta. So I probably need to find something else, so they still have fun playing with/against me.
August 17, 2018 6:06 p.m.
Well i’m glad that you took my suggestion, but that’s a problem if it works in fact too well... Let me give more thought to what else might work. For now my only idea would be to stick with the general gameplay of mill but do so in a different way like that of my above mentioned mill deck, doesn’t Engulf the Shore or maybe Devastation Tide, and the like a step down from all of the fog effects? It helps you save some money perhaps too as you can surely use some of the same cards in it maybe.
There’s quite a fun synergy between Fleet Swallower and Fraying Sanity included :)
August 17, 2018 6:31 p.m.
It's really sad. I had really great fun playing with it. Can you recommend another and deck with lots of control? I will also take a closer look at the one.
August 17, 2018 6:38 p.m.
I made some significant updates to that above list all the while trying to keep the price in check. Also, I shared the deck with you Loeffner and so you should now be able to make changes to it as well.
August 17, 2018 7:23 p.m.
I really appreciate all the work you put into helping me.
I hope you can understand that the Blue Mill somehow seems stale after I had to drop the Turbo Fog. It's not that it's bad, I can't really judge that, but since it is the same approach it just doesn't stick.
August 17, 2018 9:34 p.m.
Well there was also the Approach of the Second Sun list if you recall I shared earlier that may be worth considering. It's a deck that would be easily upgradeable (although it can get pricey admittedly too if you start looking at things like Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, and Search for Azcanta Flip.
Second Sun Control
Other than that though, I will need more time to think up more things that are possibly .
August 17, 2018 9:57 p.m.
I got the Turbo Fog. I just couldn't resist. It definitely is too good for my casual playgroup but I have taken it to a local FNM and won 2/3 matches in Legacy. The last one I lost but it was only best of one, and I didn't know the opponent's Deck, so I made a stupid mistake. In conclusion: It's great.
What do you think of this Deck: Blue Black Control
It's a B/U Control. Not very creative just lots of counters and removals and a few win conditions. I would play this mostly in casual, but maybe you have some recommendations to make it at least acceptable in modern.
August 29, 2018 10:46 a.m.
Sorry the name was too uncreative. So here's an even less creative one (but with the right link):
Caerwyn says... #2
Control is probably the hardest archetype to build for casual play--you have to balance the deck's power with others' enjoyment. You can build a deck full of counterspells and removal, but your friends will likely not enjoy that too much.
If you want to go full-out on control, you can probably build a pretty inexpensive Approach of the Second Sun deck. Even without some of the pricey cards that make the card shine, you make a pretty solid build. A set of budget counterspells, some cantrips, a few removal spells, and a couple budget wraths for when your control breaks should be a good start.
Another fairly budget option that is a bit more friend-friendly is an Izzet Thing in the Ice Flip and Delver of Secrets Flip deck. Throw in a few counterspells, cantrips, and some burn spells, and you've got a pretty solid deck that doesn't just counter/remove/repeat.
August 14, 2018 5:52 p.m. Edited.