Need help putting the finishing touches on my first real standard deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 20, 2013, 9:23 p.m. by Nykal
Id like it to play a little faster and Im pretty sure the sideboard needs work but Ive always been kind of bad at deck building sooo any suggestions on just making it better besides voices because im not made of money deck-large:i-fought-the-law-and-the-trees-won
Supreme Verdict would be my first suggested cut. A 27 creature deck with sweepers is just not a great idea - it's completely counter to your main build, and trying to hedge your bets with Rootborn Defenses isn't a great plan. You'd either be waiting until 7 mana in order to wrath the board, have Supreme Verdict stuck in hand when you're ahead or be forced to Supreme Verdict to survive a situation but have to give up the card advantage since your guys died as well.
The only time I see it really being worth it is when you had it in your opening hand and could simply delay committing to the board, but I think there's just better cards that you could be running that would be useful in all situations rather than very specific ones.
November 20, 2013 9:50 p.m.
the verdicts are mainly what I use to counter aggro decks, would you say that its better in the sideboard or just scrap it entirely?
Nykal says... #2
I was thinking Trostani, Selesnya's Voice for the life gain but idk what I would take out or it would even be worth it
November 20, 2013 9:26 p.m.