Need help w/ 2 different decks.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 2, 2014, 11:46 p.m. by woll3Y

I have two main decks that I could use some advice/review on. Both are in standard and I plan on keeping them in it.

First deck: Nylea's Devoted

G/W/R ramp/creature spam/nuke. This deck is solid as it is, but I have some cards in the maybeboard that I like but am not sure of how to incorporate. I also am occasionally having some trouble drawing my large creatures from the deck after I have the mana ramped. Suggestions to fix that?

Second deck: Orzhov Enchantment

W/B heroic enchantment deck, super aggro, usually wins between turns 5 and 7. I'd like suggestions on what other enchantments I could implement, or any suggestions to make the deck better in general. I'd like to keep the enchantment theme.

Thanks for the help!

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