Need help with a standard deck i have.
Deck Help forum
Posted on June 19, 2013, 12:22 p.m. by ColorlessHeart
its for casual play, and hopefully some local FNM. here is my deck.
Creatures:11 2x Doomed Traveler 3x Niblis of the Breath 4x Drogskol Captain 2x Phantom General
Instants:8 2x Beckon Apparition 1x Dimir Charm 3x Midnight Haunting 2x Render Silent
Sorcery:13 1x Index 1x Inaction Injunction 3x Divination 2x Runic Repetition 4x Lingering Souls 2x Amass the Components
Enchantments:5 1x Curiosity 4x Intangible Virtue
Land:24 5x Island 5x Plains 4x Glacial Fortress 3x Azorius Guildgate 3x Drowned Catacomb 3x Isolated Chapel
i wanna play some tournaments. local FNM. and mainly just for fun. i like the idea of pumping out mass spirits then them all getting buffed big and all flying. IDK, i think it could be better. any imput would be greatly appreciated.
Use the Deck Builder tool to make this into a deck page. The presentation and statistics make it easier to provide critical analysis.
That said, use Favorable Winds if you're going all spirits. I would also use Judge's Familiar in a deck like this. I would drop your weaker cards like Curiosity , Index , Inaction Injunction , Runic Repetition , and Niblis of the Breath to fit them in.
June 19, 2013 1:23 p.m.
Or, since you already have a deck, link it instead: Reign of Spirits
June 19, 2013 1:25 p.m.
killroy726 says... #5
I would add more Doomed Traveler 's its a nice chump blocker that will benefit you in the long run. I would go with Jims suggestion of getting rid of curiosity, index, and injunction. however i dispute what should be replaced I would add counterspells like Dissipate , Geist Snatch might be fun but I dont like the cost, Render Silent and the like but thats just my opinion
June 19, 2013 1:51 p.m.
alexresnick99 says... #6
Inaction Injunction isn't needed. you have mostly flyers so they are mostly not getting blocked anyway. runic repetition is also basically unplayable. add skirsdag high priest.
June 19, 2013 5:06 p.m.
If you want to go with spirits add Spectral Procession , Geist-Honored Monk , Twilight Drover and Favorable Winds These will add tokens, replace lost tokens and give flyers a power up.
June 20, 2013 7:41 a.m.
killroy726 says... #8
@lionrp i believe this is a standard deck especially if he wants to use it in a FNM tourney
ColorlessHeart says... #2
23 land.
June 19, 2013 12:37 p.m.