Need help with choosing a 2 drop for aggro

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 17, 2013, 9:24 a.m. by meecht

I play a Golgari Midrange deck that splashes a little red for utility, Phallicese of Theros.

The 2-drop slot has recently come up for some debate. I used to have Sylvan Caryatid in the spot, but I'm not so sure that's the best option. It ramps into 4-drops and acts as a wall to aggro, but none of my 4 CMC creatures have huge impact and it doesn't actually remove an aggressive threat. Being able to block a Rakdos Cackler for days means nothing if you can't remove the threat, too.

So, I'm in the market for a new 2-drop. Even though I have access to red, I would prefer to keep the option in B/G colors.

Some options:
Deadly Recluse - a definite "answer me or trade" option
Returned Phalanx - profitably blocks most T1-3 creatures, but wouldn't be able to attack
Lotleth Troll - really a T3 drop in order to have regenerate mana
Pharika's Cure - extra life is always nice to stabilize against aggro
Child of Night - same as Pharika's Cure
Kalonian Tusker - same as Returned Phalanx, but with a more restrictive casting cost

Ohthenoises says... #2

Baleful Eidolon
Disciple of the Old Ways since you have access to R
Pack Rat is always fun.
Skylasher is good for the mono U devotion match

I like Pack Rat the most just because the token copies technically have Pack Rat 's cmc which can boost your devotion too. He doesn't really stall aggro though.

In my Jund brew I find Dreg Mangler to be my staller of choice.

October 17, 2013 11:18 a.m.

meecht says... #3

I don't run any "devotion matters" creatures, so Pack Rat would be sub-par.

Disciple of the Old Ways , like Lotleth Troll , is pretty much a 3-drop to be most effective.

Skylasher would work for the Mono-U match, but I already have a pretty good matchup against it thanks to Golgari Charm , Putrefy , and Hero's Downfall .

Baleful Eidolon seems like a worse Deadly Recluse for my deck because my other creatures are already big enough to kill most things in combat.

My main concern is the Mono-red matchup due to how fast it can run.

October 17, 2013 12:34 p.m.

Slycne says... #4

I think Doom Blade might be what you're looking for.

Doom Blade hits basically every aggressive creature you really care about and pretty much everything else. The only other cards it can't that see a fair bit of play are Desecration Demon and Obzedat, Ghost Council , and you still have other answers for those.

Except for Rakdos Cackler there really isn't any card/deck built around aggressive black cards. It's also only single color requirement, meaning you're less constrained to find your colors on time. It's also less conditional as the game goes longer. Pharika's Cure might look nice against a field of 2 drops, but once things like Boros Reckoner or Advent of the Wurm start appearing you'll want a card that isn't dead. And as you mentioned, it kills the thing not just blocks it.

October 17, 2013 12:43 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #5

In a choice between Dreg Mangler and Lotleth Troll I like Dreg Mangler personally just because he can feed something after death. On the other hand you have to feed Lotleth Troll .

October 17, 2013 12:55 p.m.

DarkHero says... #6

of your list Lotleth Troll definitely. He combos with Scavenging Ooze . Doom Blade would be reasonable. Considering you splashed red, Madcap Skills is scary good for a quick aggro beat down.

October 17, 2013 12:58 p.m.

meecht says... #7

jmallette1 - The Lotleth Troll + Scavenging Ooze interaction, though useful, doesn't work well with Whip of Erebos . Madcap Skills would only work if I had a T1 creature to play, but I'm going for a control build instead of an aggressive one.

Slycne - I'm looking for mainly a T2 tempo-type play and Doom Blade might be the way to go. However, I wonder if a creature would be a better idea because it forces aggro to decide whether to deal with the blocker or lose a creature during combat. Either way, I would come out ahead by limiting their board presence.

Ohthenoises - I like Dreg Mangler , but I'm looking for a T2 play. I would need to use Elvish Mystic if I wanted to do that, and I'm trying to get away from ramp.

October 17, 2013 2:05 p.m.

Khanye says... #8

Brushstrider if you dont want an instant / sorcery. it can trade even with a tusker / dreg mangler / reckoner / etc. Also, it can swing AND defend on their turn if need be, for a modest cost of 1 green and 1 colorless. Bambi needs more votes!

October 17, 2013 3:24 p.m.

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