Need Help With First Pioneer Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 26, 2019, 11:41 p.m. by HistoryGuy
I'm curious about this new pioneer format so I went with color combination I know best: Mardu. This is a budget Mardu Tokens deck I want to try. I really don't know how to explain it other than it just makes a bunch of tokens and its a pure aggro deck. Does this deck look like it could work?
HistoryGuy says... #3
I wanted an aggro deck that wouldn't run out of gas too soon so I leaned it more mid-range as well. What would you recommend as a chance to go either more aggro or mid-range while still keeping with the budget price range?
December 27, 2019 5 p.m.
The biggest issue against budget are the three colors. Cut a color or two and you can easily fit within the budget. Most of your cards are red, so that is the easiest color to choose to pick. You have to choose black or white before a suggestion can be made.
December 27, 2019 5:19 p.m.
Magnanimous says... #5
Suggestions on how to build:
You need to think much more clearly about what your payoff will be. In Modern, the established Orzhov Tokens deck has plenty of generators, but wouldn't be nearly as powerful without cards like Intangible Virtue , Windbrisk Heights , and Legion's Landing Flip. Another payoff is that token generators are "creature" spells without being creature spells and synergize well with Bedlam Reveler and Young Pyromancer . The 8-whack style of pure aggression using the extra bodies to your advantage also works
I also agree with Boza that three colors is difficult on a budget. Another good option is going for 75% one color and splashing for the really good cards outside that color. I think you should cut black and may be able to focus on red depending on how it ends up.
Specific suggestions for this deck:
From what I saw, you really like aggressive red creatures that also create tokens. I think a good place to start would just be capping the curve at three mana and filling the deck with cheap aggressive cards. So cut anything above three mana and Impact Tremors and Dragonmaster Outcast . My favorites from your deck: Legion Warboss , Hanweir Garrison , Goblin Rabblemaster , I like many of your two-mana choices, but I think testing will decide whether you need immediate board presence with Goblin Instigator effects or the possibility of a larger board presence later with Skyknight Vanguard effects.
My suggestions: Reckless Bushwhacker (aggressive and cheap payoff card), Launch the Fleet (flexible generator), Venerated Loxodon (payoff card/bomb that you should be casting for one mana), Brimaz, King of Oreskos (just fine in this deck), Zealous Persecution (I know I told you to cut black, but this honestly seems good enough to splash for), and Legion's Landing Flip (good early, great late).
Boza says... #2
Mardu Tokens
Pioneer* HistoryGuy
Just to help visibility.
You have way too many one-offs and very un-focused mana curve. You have to choose:
Playing both strategies means both are worse off.
December 27, 2019 7:27 a.m.