Need help with Intet
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 8, 2014, 2:27 a.m. by mattroidprime
I'm a big EDH/Commander player, and I'm trying to branch out from my typical staple color, white. So I got passed an Intet, the Dreamer , and thought to make a deck with him. I've posted the deck, but I feel like it's junk. I already know I need to pull out the X CMC spells, but I can't seem to focus the deck on a specific goal other than throwing out random instants/sorceries and then big creatures. Anyone have any advice on using this guy as a general?
I have a binder with a picture of Intet on it. It's pretty.
I would recommend sticking with it and doing the best you can. Switching commanders always felt unsatisfying to me and besides, Animar, Soul of Elements is slightly different. Remember Intet lets you cast instants / sorceries and enchantments for free too - which in many ways is better. However you can't do crazy combos.
You have access to green so you should ramp heavily with things like Three Visits , Skyshroud Claim , Farseek , Oracle of Mul Daya , Exploration , Burgeoning , Birds of Paradise etc.
Then decide on a theme. Do you want big spells? Big enchantments? Big creatures? You have to absolutely ruthless - remove EVERYTHING that doesn't fit your theme.
You'll end up with probably like an 80 card deck with Intet, green ramp cards and big creatures. From there you ask people for recommendations. Do you need more removal? More card draw etc?
Building an EDH deck is like doing a puzzle (jigsaw in the US I think), except instead of starting with the edges you start with the base in the middle. The absolute key is to decide what picture you're building. Pick a theme and stick to it. From there you build up your picture with the most important cards that represent the heart of the deck. Then upon the recommendations of other people you add the edges and corners. Each card should fit a 'module' - is it removal? is it a large creature? is it card draw? is it ramp? When the deck is finished go through the final list and again ask yourself what every single card actually does. As before - if it doesn't do any of about 5 or 6 different things then get rid of it. Like in standard, consistency is key.
DaggerV says... #2
Honestly you'd be better served running Animar, it's combo/midrange, especially with the a few new cards. However, sticking with that card specifically, you'll want to protect it while getting it out quickly and often, so it'll be an equipment deck of sort. Run Lightning Greaves , [Swiftfoot Boots], and Darksteel Plate . Load up on the various mana ramp, then fill out the rest of the slot with explosive spells and fatties. Cards like Aggravated Assault can help you get more damage in while spending the same amount of mana to cast spells. Seedborn Muse and Prophet of Kruphix can allow you to play a bit of control, while the latter can flash in creature at the end of turn. Sakashima the Impostor will give you a second Intet, while Sphinx Ambassador can cause more problems. Outside that there's the typical staple like Sol Ring , Bribery , maybe even Acquire .
February 8, 2014 3:03 a.m.