need help with modern jund reanimator

Deck Help forum

Posted on June 24, 2013, 2:47 p.m. by Khanye

hello all,

I need help making this deck a bit more consistent. It can easily win turn 1 with a nut draw, pretty consistently wins turn 2-3, and has the added benefit where I can potentially mulligan down to 4 or 5 cards and pull off the combo.


Grisel turn 1 win

the problem I am having is winning if I dont get the nut draw, or even with several mulligans, I top deck into nothing and something like RDW blows me out by turn 3-4. I have Grisly Salvage in there right now to help fetch Griselbrand and dump him into the yard, but would Wild Guess be better for that? is there any other low CMC spell / creature that I could use that can help me accelerate dumping Griselbrand into the yard? not sure if Stinkweed Imp would actually have a good fit in here?

again, I need help in the mid game where I do not draw the god hand, or can mull to it. I would like to keep it JUND colors, but if I absolutely have to splash blue main deck, I am open to it.

also need help with the sideboard, i was thinking of going storm combo with Paradise Mantle and Blistercoil Weird , but not sure how I would sideboard it. suggestions are welcome / needed / and appreciated!

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