Need Help With Onmiscience Deck Idea
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 13, 2013, 2:16 p.m. by Auspicious
So, I went to FNM for the first time last week with my Azorious Midrange deck in hand...and left rather disappointed. It appeared I really wasn't up to par with what everyone else was playing. Understandably, I needed a new deck. I noticed that 99.9% of everyone is going the whole ramp-into-awesome-spells route right now. But of all the spells I saw at FNM, nobody played Omniscience . It's cheap (cash wise) and reasonable to ramp into. I figure, why not?
I'll cut to the chase. I know I wish to play ramp spells a la Farseek and card:Ranger's Path to hit the magic number 10 and drop Omniscience . But other than that. I'm at a loss. I'd really appreciate some suggestions as to what spells to play or how to set up the board or even any better ways to ramp. I'm a poor college student sustaining on Ramen and granola bars, so, drops like Temporal Mastery are kind of out of my range. Please try to keep your suggestions semi-budget. Thank you!
Auspicious says... #3
That is actually a pretty awesome idea. I had not thought of that. Thanks
January 13, 2013 2:40 p.m.
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #4
The problem with that idea is what do you plan to do once Omniscience hits the board? Ramping into Omni is great, but you need a good plan to win with after that point.
The obvious choice right now would probably be Worldspine Wurm , but he's easy to deal with if your opponent hasn't had to use their removal all game because all you did was ramp.
Basically, nobody is using Omni right now because there aren't enough things to exploit with it yet. Try waiting until Enter the Infinite comes out.
January 13, 2013 2:54 p.m.
Auspicious says... #5
You have a very good point. This issue just occurred to me a moment ago, in fact. I'd need a means of putting my threats out. A card drawing engine of sorts perhaps.
But, yes. Enter the Infinite would be that answer. But that's a while away yet and I don't like being stagnant.
Perhaps I should play Epic Experiment instead?
January 13, 2013 3:05 p.m.
If I'm not mistaken, you'd still have to pay the X in Epic Experiment for it to do anything.
January 13, 2013 3:08 p.m.
Fleetfiend says... #8
There was someone at the recent FNM I went to that was running a 5 color deck, and he used lots of land and card:Sphinx's Revelation with Omniscience .
He ended up winning with a Worldfire after exiling his own Thragtusk with Oblivion Ring pretty often.
January 13, 2013 3:41 p.m.
ShimmerVoid says... #9
Back when I was playing my defender ramp deck my win-con was Increasing Confusion . Get infinite combo out, play card:Sphinx's Revelation and grab your entire library, play Increasing Confusion , mill for lethal and then say "Go". :)
January 13, 2013 3:47 p.m.
Auspicious says... #10
That would be perfect if card:Sphinx's Revelation weren't $18 USD a piece. =/
And if I were to go the mana-sink win con route, I might as well eliminate Omniscience all together,
It's becoming more and more apparent to me that Omni won't be prevalent in standard until Gatecrash. =(
ShimmerVoid says... #2
Have you thought of ramping up with Axebane Guardian and various defenders like Gatecreeper Vine , Fog Bank , Hover Barrier and Doorkeeper ? They are relatively cheap and there's also an infinite mana combo if you are into that (Axebane Guardian + 3 other defenders + Galvanic Alchemist ).
January 13, 2013 2:35 p.m.