Need help with Sideboard and feedback on deck. (Slivers - Legacy) Do people hate Slivers?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 9, 2013, 9:23 a.m. by Wuthow
Hello there!
I wouldn't say that I'm new to MtG; I've been playing it for 16 years but I've never played in a real tournament (1x pre-release doesn't count) and I've never had a deck with a sideboard.
I'm in desperate need of help here, my Sliver deck is my best deck and I'd like to try to improve it even further but I barely know what cards are out there!
I'm more than happy to give feedback on other people's decks as well! (I'd say that I'm pretty good at analyzing decks and see what can be improved but I also believe that the more eyes that look at them, the better)
Thank you in advance and sorry for the "double post", I thought it might've been the "Vintage-tag" in the previous thread that scared people off and it was inaccurate, as kindly pointed out by PotatoPi.
I've posted a more detailed explaination of the deck itself at its description.
I think people used to hate slivers and some of that hate might be carrying over. I am just watching to see how it goes this time around with slivers. I think the power curve of MTG has gone up in general, a lot of other tribes have increased in power, and many new board wiping options have come out so they might not be as bad.
August 9, 2013 12:30 p.m.
Hmm, thank you, killroy726! I'll put some thought into my sideboard. My biggest problem is that I don't know what cards are out there; that's what makes the sideboard so hard. At the moment, I feel as if my deck's greatest weakness is creature burn. I think I might sideboard a few Aphetto Dredging for that!
@r3v13w I've got this impression as well; People seem to hate Slivers but I share the impression of how it's a residuant hate from earlier era's. I don't think that Slivers are overpowered as the game is nowadays; especially not if I take a look at Zombies or Soldiers; Elves aren't bad either. Nice to hear your thoughts about it!
August 9, 2013 1:03 p.m.
killroy726 says... #5
if targeted burn is your real issue why not add more Crystalline Sliver 's ?
August 10, 2013 12:33 p.m.
Ah! It's as simple as drawnig multiple of those doesn't do me any good. 1-3 creature burns aren't usually any problem; what I was referring to when I said creature burn was not only actual creature burn but also (and especially) red burn spells. (There's also the Ulvenwald Tracker , Prey Upon and other similar spells)
August 11, 2013 5:59 a.m.
Ugh... what I just said didn't make much sense because shroud protects me from said spells, sorry. There are still quite many spells which force me to sacrifice a creature every now and then, such as Chainer's Edict , Call to the Grave etc and I think Aphetto Dredging is a very strong counter against this because it's one card and I'll get 3 creatures back (of which I'll most likely be able to play all during one round)
August 11, 2013 6:05 a.m.
I might order a few loose cards to complete this deck (I've never bought loose cards before) soon and I wonder if anybody's got any great suggestions on the sideboard or something about the deck at all? Feedback is very, very appreciated!
Already, thank you, PotatoPi for helping me a lot!
killroy726 says... #2
Basically you want a sideboad that helps your deck be more flexible against more decks like running Illness in the Ranks to fight token decks or Glaring Spotlight for those nasty hexproof decks, then you can also add more utility slivers in your sideboard like Blur Sliver , Clot Sliver , Crypt Sliver , Crystalline Sliver , Galerider Sliver , and Harmonic Sliver . Yes some people do hate sliver decks Me personally i hate them they are a more overpowered version of allies they can get very nasty, very fast and are next to impossible to keep in check but thats just me
August 9, 2013 12:25 p.m.