Need help with two decks
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 16, 2014, 7:56 p.m. by Vieno
During the time that tappedout has been down, I made two decks. I really like both of them, and want to make them as good as I can, and i'm sure there's a lot that could be done.
Bestow to winThis deck is a G/B Hexproof Bestow deck. It feels like i'm trying to replace my G/W Aura deck with this. It's the same concept, except that it focuses more on evasion, while getting my hexproof guys bigger, and faster due to lack of small enchantments. Playtests have gone fairly well, but i'd really like some final looks before going out to finish buying this deck. I'm not sure what it is, but something just feels out of place.
Scry to the 2nd power!Next up, we have an Izzet deck based around scrying to get the draws I need, and to power Flamespeaker Adept for quick power. So far, i've found that it's extremely powerful..but extremely inconsistent. Either I get the cards I need early, or I lose. For this deck, I can feel a lot of things that could be improved upon...but I really have no idea how to fix it. Again, if you can think of anything that would improve this deck, please comment and tell me what you think! I would be a lot worse at magic if it wasn't for everyone here, so really, thank you everyone!
Vieno says... #2
Sorry for an early bump, but i'm going out at 8 AM tomorrow to get all the expensive cards in these two decks. I'd really like some opinions before I do so.
February 16, 2014 10:46 p.m.