Need Ideas
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 29, 2013, 8:04 p.m. by XPostalServiceX
I took about a 3 month break from mtg, and im coming back to rtr, and now even gatecrash is almost out and i have no idea what to build into. I do not have much of a preference i just need ideas, keep it under 300$ though if possible. Thanks!
You could play a controlling white-blue Azorius making use of the detain keyword and blue counterspells like Dissipate . Or you could go all aggro and fast with Rakdos and cards like Rakdos Cackler or you could try and look towards Gruul and try to make some sort of midrange mega-deck with Thragtusk , Thundermaw Hellkite and Huntmaster of the Fells Flip and use the bloodrush mechanic to instantly boost your creatures. Your budget of $300 should perhaps be able to accommodate the last example (maybe not though) which will be by far the most expensive of the three examples.
January 29, 2013 8:13 p.m.
well tappedout is showing Jace, Stealer of Staffs as just a quarter above $300 (it was much below that until memory adept decided to over double in price) and it's been giving me packs almost every FNM I've attended with it.
January 29, 2013 8:20 p.m.
XPostalServiceX says... #5
usually i run something white, black, red, or a combination of rw wb and so on. But i want to try maybe a blue control or like your example something red/green with huntmaster.
January 29, 2013 8:21 p.m.
XPostalServiceX says... #6
I like the jace deck, the thing about it though is i have never played a control deck or any blue deck long term so to commit a lot of money to it when im not very sure about the play style, eh. But im interested in it very much so.
January 29, 2013 8:24 p.m.
If you enjoy the feeling of your opponent losing before they've actually lost then the deck will be fun, simply the fact that I'm usually drawing at least double what my opponent draws throughout the game means my opponent can't do anything meaningful, and it's always fun to see their light glimmer of hope as my deck goes down to a few cards, only to realize I have Psychic Spiral protected by counterspells.
I've been trying to find room for Blind Obedience (3 copies feels right as hasty dudes are less scary when they enter tapped, and the extort will give some much desired early lifegain/damage.)
January 29, 2013 9:03 p.m.
XPostalServiceX says... #8
I want to try it out, it seems fun. Now i want to aim for the jace deck builds, but to start out just so i can start going to fnm do you think maybe a delver build would count as control?
January 29, 2013 9:09 p.m.
Delver Decks tend to be more aggro or tempo, either winning as fast as possible or by gaining slight advantages here and there. If you want and idea of a aggro/tempo delver deck in the upcoming standard check this out: Dimir Budget. For a more control deck, Bant control varients of all shapes and sizes have proven themselves or the new U/W flash deck is kinda controlish.
January 29, 2013 9:38 p.m.
XPostalServiceX says... #10
Yeah i like that, but the cipher would work like a proxy kind of right? Say Shadow Slice was played, would you attach it to say invisible stalker? then when stalker attacks it would activate shadow slice for free? And also, half of that deck is gatecrash so it would only be available this weekend correct?
January 29, 2013 9:43 p.m.
Yes you are correct, the cards won't be legal until February 1, but the 1st is on Friday so they are legal to play for FNM this week. On cipher, I tend to think of it more as an enchantment. When you cast it you can exile it encoding a creature, so basically enchanting it with an enchantment that cant be removed unless you remove the creature. Then, the encoded spell gives it effects to the creature and they trigger when the creature deals combat damage to a player, so in the case of my deck since Invisible Stalker is unblockable, it is an automatic effect. The Shadow Slice in my deck works as the finisher, dealing six damage that turn, 3 the next and each one after that so long as the creature is still dealing combat damage.
ChiefBell says... #2
So (as I'm sure you know) in RtR and Gatecrash the guilds represent two allied colours.What kind of deck did you play before? Because you could choose based on archetype like control or aggro or midrange or you could choose just on colour basis like blue-black or red-green or white-blue.
It's hard to say 'you should do this' because there's actually a fair bit of variety in the meta and now with Gatecrash coming out there're loads of cards and combos that are virtually untested which means there's massive scope for being imaginative and speculating.
January 29, 2013 8:10 p.m.