Need input on my Esper deck for FNM tomorrow
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 15, 2013, 1:13 p.m. by Proteus
I really hope that I'm not coming off as impatient or anything, but I'm hoping that I could get some input on my Esper deck Shut Your Mouth!--An Esper Deck. I just put together this configuration the other day, and I plan on running it tomorrow at FNM. I'm just looking for some thoughts or advice. I care more about having a good time than winning, BUT I'm getting a little tired of losing, so I would appreciate any input I can get to make my deck a little more competitive.
Thanks for the advice. I would love to run Obzedat, Ghost Council , Supreme Verdict , Sphinx's Revelation , and even AEtherling , but, as I mentioned in the description of my deck, money is tight, and I can't exactly afford to buy any of those cards. The same goes for shocklands. And I would throw in another Nephalia Drownyard , but, considering it's about to rotate, I can't really justify spending money on it (the one I have was actually given to me Tuesday evening). I'm intrigued by your suggestion of Warped Physique , though, I may try testing it out sometime before FNM.
And, yes, I am getting very used to losing lol. My meta is very aggro-heavy, but I just can't bring myself to play like that. I much prefer playing a reactive game, thus my choice to play Esper. Fortunately, I'm hoping that the tide is starting to shift. I've noticed that, in a few of the events in my area, less aggressive decks, and Esper decks, specifically, are starting to pop up here and there, and some of them are actually even managing to be somewhat competitive.
August 15, 2013 2:41 p.m.
SharuumNyan says... #5
Ooops. Sorry. I didn't read your description about being on a budget!
Yeah, Warped Physique is a great card. I read an article (on StarCity??) about how it runs better than Doom Blade in most situations, and I was sold on it. Far / Away is not an expensive card either.
If you wanted to buy just a couple of cards, you could try switching in proxies and playtesting to figure out what might be worth spending a little money on.
I would still recommend Lingering Souls though. Great card, like a two-for-one.
SharuumNyan says... #2
First - if you're playing Esper Standard, get used to losing. I LOVE (!!!!) Esper decks, and I'm playing one too but it's not really competitive in standard right now (feel free to disagree). I still play Esper Control because it's what I enjoy, and I have no interest in playing mirror decks all night with the few decks (Jund, etc) that do keep winning.
Here's my advice, but feel free to ignore it because I haven't made my deck overwhelmingly successful either.
First, ditch Cancel . It's too expensive for a removal spell. Consider Warped Physique which will cost you one less, and will usually get the job done on creatures, and also Far / Away .
If you're worried about non-creature spells try Negate , or put a couple in your sideboard.
You should run at least 3 Godless Shrine and 3 Isolated Chapel instead of all those Swamps. Switch out the Azorius Guildgate for Glacial Fortress . Since you have no real first-turn one-drop options, it's ideal to drop a shock land on your first turn.
I haven't played any of those creatures in Esper, so I can't comment on how they'll work. I'm running 3x Snapcaster Mage , 1X AEtherling , 2x Augur of Bolas , and 2x Obzedat, Ghost Council . Obzedat wins me more games than anything. I can't underestimate how powerful Snapcaster is with a graveyard full of instants.
You should at least have Supreme Verdict in the sideboard, if not in main. Lingering Souls could also be a better blocking option than Wall of Frost .
And for your mill option, I would throw in another Nephalia Drownyard .
Crypt Incursion might be a better sideboard card.Sphinx's Revelation is a better card for life gain.
August 15, 2013 1:51 p.m.