Need opinions for standard deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 23, 2017, 5:07 p.m. by cyberman091
I have recently made a Dimir Revel in Riches/Mechanized Production deck with Tezzeret, Master of Metal for a last resort. Anyways, i looked through all standard blocks to vamp up my control and draw power and i made a list of every card i am interested in and i was wondering if i could get any input.
cyberman091 says... #3
Hyperalgialysis I already have x4 Cancel x1 Supreme Will and x2 Jace's Defeat (defeat in sideboard) I own one Fatal Push promo and one I get a job(I'm surprised how hard it is in the town i just moved too) I'm planning to get more Fatal Push.
October 23, 2017 8:18 p.m.
Hyperalgialysis says... #4
Run more Supreme Will. Its nice to have the Impulse side of it and both Essence Scatter and Negate are really strong. Instead of Tezzeret's Ambition, Opt Glimmer of Genius and Hieroglyphic Illumination are all instead speed and have a lot of extra value. I like Duress and Harsh Scrutiny as well as Lay Bare the Heart. I run Search for Azcanta Flip and it is pretty good for fixing you draws, and filling your hand late game. If you have a strong enough mana base for it splashing red would be nice for Enigma Drake as well as Harnessed Lightning and Cut / Ribbons. Your local meta may be different than mine, mine is mostly aggro with a couple control decks that tend to win. I have been using a lot of hand disruption main board and then sideboarding in a lot of counters depending on the match up.
October 24, 2017 3:31 a.m.
cyberman091 says... #5
Thanks so much for the feedback! I already was planning to buy Glimmer of Genius and all the other cards you mentioned I have other than Harsh Scrutiny and Harnessed Lightning. Tbh, I don't know my meta as this is my first standard showdown, but from what I've seen, Dino tribal seems popular. I also have Reverse Engineer for the cheap card draw with the treasures, and i think i might run 2, but i like Glimmer of Genius for the scry. Search for Azcanta Flip Will definitely be at least a one of in the future. For the Enigma Drake splash, that would fit in great, and I'll just use treasures for the red.
Hyperalgialysis says... #2
Instant speed removal is better than sorcery speed. Vraska's Contempt is going to be better than Never / Return. If you have or can get Fatal Push they are also a must have. Baral, Chief of Compliance is good for cost reduction but you may get more value out of him if you run more counter magic.
October 23, 2017 7:41 p.m.