Need oppinions on Rogue's Passage and Thespian's Stage

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 28, 2013, 3:15 a.m. by OGProper

Like a Nydus full of counters

Any thoughts on Rogue's Passage ? With a pumped up Primordial Hydra it can be game ending. I'm thinking about throwing two in there. I also just got a playset of Thespian's Stage but i dont think there is a place for it in this deck, maybe sideboard. Am I wrong?

KevinLS says... #2

Thespian's Stage should go in pretty much every deck you have. As long as all your decks are EDH decks. Seriously, I don't think it has a place in standard unless Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers get reprinted or something. It's not really mana efficient and it starts colorless. But it's awesome in EDH. It's a mana when you need it, the best land on the board when you don't, or a Gaea's Cradle killer.

Rogue's Passage has the same problems - colorless and high activation cost (tap 5 lands, unless you have Crypt Ghast then tap three). It fits best with Vraska the Unseen. if you can get your Primordial Hydra big, it'll be game-ending anyway. Once it gets 10 counters, it's a lot harder to chump.

February 28, 2013 5:04 a.m.

capriom85 says... #3

Here's my thoughts on Thespian's Stage...its good. In all formats, yes. but it won't see play becasue there are much better options out there for mana fixing. If yo uare running a 4 or 5 color deck in standard, use it 1 or 2, I can prevent a mana screw. Also, it has some fun synergy with Nightveil Specter if you aren't exiling your opppinents land. I think its best place is in EDH, but I don't ahve an EDH deck so I won't be using it much. I used it in palce of my Stomping Ground in my Jund deck until I got a hold of the playset and it worked ok, but I found myself slowed down a turn every now and then when I wanted to copy a land but had a big drop i wanted to use also.

as for Rogue's Passage: it looks better than it is. I played a deck with Vraska as a win con and included two if these. I was always wishing they were something else. Once Vraska is out its use her or lose her. She is a big target bc of her -3, so I only got the assassins off once or twice and only made them a game ender once and the passage wasn;t the reason why. Usually if you get Vraska's -7 off, you're winning already. If you are using Vraska stick with the -3, don't use the passage.

February 28, 2013 7:23 a.m.

MagnaLynx21 says... #4

Thespian's Stage is cool, but I personally feel decks that would want to play it would prefer Vesuva, however as a budget option...go nuts I guess.

The best thing for it to copy is a missing Tron piece or a Cloudpost tbh, as far as competitive applications are concerned.

Rogue's Passage is deck dependent, I remember people playing it in GW mid range when Gavony Township was unavailable, but hats about it...however, I believe it served a similar purpose to that of what your trying to achieve.

February 28, 2013 10 a.m.

SpammyV says... #5

I'd like to get the Stage for all my EDH decks, because the simple, repeatable land copying is nice. Allows me to quickly switch what land I want to have from it. Also, I have the Ravnica novel that's being shown there and recognized the art instantly.

I feel like Rogue's Passage will be decent in EDH decks that are based around creatures triggering abilities on damage (Like say, Ninjas) and decks running a bunch of mana and big creatures (Like say, my Mayael deck). It's limited and expensive but a repeatable source of unblockability is appealing to me.

February 28, 2013 1:08 p.m.

capriom85 says... #6

When I used Rogue's Passage In my jund with Vraska the Unseen it always came down to I'd prefer to play a Thragtusk over making my Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip unblockable for a turn. It was in there for the assassins that never seem to get themselves off be ause of the -3 ability being so nice.

February 28, 2013 2:11 p.m.

KevinLS says... #7

so it's helpful to know what formats you mean, I naturally assumed Standard. If we're talking EDH, I love both those lands. When you're out of spells, sitting on instants, or have nothing else to do, being able to use Rogue's Passage on other people's creatures (3+ players, of course) is at least as brutal and playable as Mystifying Maze.

February 28, 2013 11:58 p.m.

OGProper says... #8

Sorry, My deck is standard and this is in reference to standard.

March 1, 2013 1 a.m.

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