Need oppinions on Rogue's Passage and Thespian's Stage
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 28, 2013, 3:15 a.m. by OGProper
Like a Nydus full of counters
Any thoughts on Rogue's Passage ? With a pumped up Primordial Hydra it can be game ending. I'm thinking about throwing two in there. I also just got a playset of Thespian's Stage but i dont think there is a place for it in this deck, maybe sideboard. Am I wrong?
Here's my thoughts on Thespian's Stage...its good. In all formats, yes. but it won't see play becasue there are much better options out there for mana fixing. If yo uare running a 4 or 5 color deck in standard, use it 1 or 2, I can prevent a mana screw. Also, it has some fun synergy with Nightveil Specter if you aren't exiling your opppinents land. I think its best place is in EDH, but I don't ahve an EDH deck so I won't be using it much. I used it in palce of my Stomping Ground in my Jund deck until I got a hold of the playset and it worked ok, but I found myself slowed down a turn every now and then when I wanted to copy a land but had a big drop i wanted to use also.
as for Rogue's Passage: it looks better than it is. I played a deck with Vraska as a win con and included two if these. I was always wishing they were something else. Once Vraska is out its use her or lose her. She is a big target bc of her -3, so I only got the assassins off once or twice and only made them a game ender once and the passage wasn;t the reason why. Usually if you get Vraska's -7 off, you're winning already. If you are using Vraska stick with the -3, don't use the passage.
February 28, 2013 7:23 a.m.
MagnaLynx21 says... #4
Thespian's Stage is cool, but I personally feel decks that would want to play it would prefer Vesuva, however as a budget option...go nuts I guess.
The best thing for it to copy is a missing Tron piece or a Cloudpost tbh, as far as competitive applications are concerned.
Rogue's Passage is deck dependent, I remember people playing it in GW mid range when Gavony Township was unavailable, but hats about it...however, I believe it served a similar purpose to that of what your trying to achieve.
February 28, 2013 10 a.m.
I'd like to get the Stage for all my EDH decks, because the simple, repeatable land copying is nice. Allows me to quickly switch what land I want to have from it. Also, I have the Ravnica novel that's being shown there and recognized the art instantly.
I feel like Rogue's Passage will be decent in EDH decks that are based around creatures triggering abilities on damage (Like say, Ninjas) and decks running a bunch of mana and big creatures (Like say, my Mayael deck). It's limited and expensive but a repeatable source of unblockability is appealing to me.
February 28, 2013 1:08 p.m.
When I used Rogue's Passage In my jund with Vraska the Unseen it always came down to I'd prefer to play a Thragtusk over making my Huntmaster of the Fells Flip unblockable for a turn. It was in there for the assassins that never seem to get themselves off be ause of the -3 ability being so nice.
February 28, 2013 2:11 p.m.
so it's helpful to know what formats you mean, I naturally assumed Standard. If we're talking EDH, I love both those lands. When you're out of spells, sitting on instants, or have nothing else to do, being able to use Rogue's Passage on other people's creatures (3+ players, of course) is at least as brutal and playable as Mystifying Maze.
February 28, 2013 11:58 p.m.
Sorry, My deck is standard and this is in reference to standard.
KevinLS says... #2
Thespian's Stage should go in pretty much every deck you have. As long as all your decks are EDH decks. Seriously, I don't think it has a place in standard unless Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and Cabal Coffers get reprinted or something. It's not really mana efficient and it starts colorless. But it's awesome in EDH. It's a mana when you need it, the best land on the board when you don't, or a Gaea's Cradle killer.
Rogue's Passage has the same problems - colorless and high activation cost (tap 5 lands, unless you have Crypt Ghast then tap three). It fits best with Vraska the Unseen. if you can get your Primordial Hydra big, it'll be game-ending anyway. Once it gets 10 counters, it's a lot harder to chump.
February 28, 2013 5:04 a.m.