need some card draw help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 8, 2014, 5:01 p.m. by abenz419
ok so I've been trying to convert my Golgari deck over into BUG. I like that it actually gives me access to scry lands and can set up some draws, I also like that it let me try to work in Prophet of Kruphix . It has shown to have great symmetry with Desecration Demon and Underworld Connections allowing them both to untap on your turn letting me draw more cards and untap the demon even if you sac'd a creature to tap it on my turn. The success in my golgari deck came in the fact I ran a lot of removal but still had a great mix of big strong creatures so I've tried to keep that same theme going and the deck did exactly what it was supposed to do and worked just fine, with just one small problem. I was doing exactly what I wanted a turn behind what my opponent was doing what they wanted. I tend to burn through my hand quickly because whether I have creatures or removal i'm always playing something. Plus, the prophet allows me to play cards twice as fast which is why the card draw from UW connections is amazing, but I feel like I need more.
tapped out bug Playtest
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 1 VIEWSthat's the deck... I'm interested to hear what you guys think of it. Please though, while I am open to all suggestions because most advise can be useful at some point or another, I just ask that you provide me with more than a card name. Like why your suggesting that card, what you'd take out to put that card in, or why you think that card is better than the one your suggesting I remove. Stuff like that, so I can at least understand where your coming from or explain my reasoning why that card is in there and what I think it's doing. That info might actually change your mind or make you think about it differently and if i'm just completely off base you can explain to me where my reasoning is wrong so that I can make better decisions about the deck. Thanks all in advanced, I really appreciate it.