need some help on grixis control

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 16, 2013, 8:57 a.m. by Sagi007

the revenge of grixis is my new grixis control brew.

it sorta works but i have no fieldwipe so if i get swarmed my lots of midget creatures im doomed. specialy if there x/2 since not even sided Curse of Death's Hold can stop that.

i know of Bonfire of the Damned but there rotating soon and there expensive.(well i own 1 but thats it)

other option i know of is Mizzium Mortars but iv always have had doubt about that card. while triple red issnt that hard atm issnt 6 alot for wiping purpose?

but most importantly if i run a wipe card main or in the side what would i need to cut?

Absinthman says... #2

I play Grixis control on standard myself and I run 2 Mizzium Mortars and one Cyclonic Rift in maindeck. My experience is that usually I can deal with a few threatening creatures using individual removal and then, by turn 6 or 7 I can deal with the rest of their weenies. I'm left with a rather uncomfortable life total at that point but usually able to stabilize around that point.

Also note that if you are worried about what to do when Bonfire of the Damned rotates, it is quite early to plan for that because Theros may bring answers you are looking for.

August 16, 2013 9:12 a.m.

CyRRdaR says... #3

Rolling Temblor is really deadly for overextending aggro decks full of 2/2, and it has flashback. I use a combination of Barter in Blood maindeck and Rolling Temblor side to try and keep up with their flow of creatures, and it usually does the trick, even vs Burning-Tree Emissary shenanigans.

Grixis dream is the latest version of my deck, if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate ;)

August 16, 2013 9:38 a.m.

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