Need some help to change up my White Weenie a little.
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 12, 2013, 12:07 p.m. by yinnyyxd
2 sunpetal grove2 razorverge thicket2 gavony township2 selesnya sanctuary12 plains
4 mother of runes4 war falcon4 champion of the parish2 mikaeus, the lunarch2 grand abolisher4 fencing ace4 precinct captain
2 swords to plowshares4 path to exil2 mirri's guile4 ethereal armor4 rancor
What are you looking to change? Need to be a bit more descriptive. Are you just looking for suggestions to make it better?
July 12, 2013 12:20 p.m.
brokendwarf says... #4
-2 Selesnya Sanctuary ; these lands are better in a commander deck
-2 Razorverge Thicket ; situational
+2 Sunpetal Grove ; these are good
+4 Temple Garden ; these are also good
So your land will look like this:
8 Plains
2 Forest
20 Land total
July 12, 2013 12:40 p.m.
brokendwarf says... #5
With a bit of modifying, this deck could be modern. Continuing on...
-4 Mother of Runes ; not legal in modern, it's just bad, and there's a better card: +4 Brave the Elements . It comes out in M14. It'll grant protection to all your white creatures (which is all of them) from the color of your choosing. And it's an instant for 1 white mana.
July 12, 2013 1:01 p.m.
Mother of Runes is not bad; yes, Brave the Elements protects all your creatures from 1 color of your choice; however, it only does it once. Mother stays out and does it every turn. With that being said, if going for Modern, which the OP isn't (as he has Swords to Plowshares as well), this wouldn't be usable.
dcarpntr says... #2
4x Glorious Anthem maybe?
July 12, 2013 12:20 p.m.