Need some tweaking advice for dimir deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 29, 2013, 9:55 p.m. by maxon
Hey T/O crew, I've re-modeled what was my FNM mono blue devotion into a dimir flyer deck and playtested casually to adjust what's in it, but I'm still not 100% sure on everything. My creatures I am happy with, but I'm not sure if my answers are up to snuff. My LGS is in the middle of a move so I can't put it through the gauntlet there probably for another month. If anyone has any very specific suggestions about what to exchange for certain cards, I'd be happy to entertain the ideas. As it is, Doom Blade
is soon to be replaced by Hero's Downfall
. Other than that though, I feel like there is something missing. Maybe the missing piece will be in born of the gods. who knows. So if any dimir agents, or magic aficionados would like to peep my creation and slay my card choices feel free. (Just keep in mind this deck is meant to be aggressive and for the most part swing out every turn)