need space for thoughtseize
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 18, 2014, 7:11 a.m. by Sagi007
Nightmares on Fire v2 in the original i had it but in this one i miss the cards.
i have 2 Thoughtseize and the 3th i wanted was a Duress placeholder. but now i just have no idea what to take out for em. whats do you think i could take out? Plz state reason why.
drewmighty says... #2
take out 1x Anger of the Gods you do not need to run 3 main board as you got plenty of other things, and you can overload mizzium easily on turn 6 with that amount of mana. Also anger of the gods is good only for certain decks, you have plenty of kill already, so I think it is a good idea to remove one. Just my thoughts
January 18, 2014 7:30 a.m.