need suggestions for kiln fiend deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 22, 2011, 11:17 p.m. by dcarpntr

I'm having a really hard time deciding on what cards need to be cut out to try to make this deck even faster, and what cards should be left in that may help me if the game goes longer than what I'd like.

I've thought about taking out the Spire Barrage s and Mark of Mutiny s to try speeding up the deck (another member suggested Assault Strobe s which are a strong possibility]]), but if I don't start with or draw a Kiln Fiend or card:Chandra's Spitfire after the first 3 or 4 rounds, then I usually go later into the game than I'd like and those cards can really help me stay alive. I've won games by using Mark of Mutiny when my opponents play large creatures, and using Spire Barrage after chipping away at a player's life total with smaller burn spells. I'm at the point where I don't know whether to "sell out" for the quick win and get rid of the cards I feel keep me in the game longer when the deck doesn't fire correctly, or keep it the way it is and hope it fires correctly or that I can pull some cards later in the game to put me over the top.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


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