Need Suggestions on Red/White Deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 8, 2011, 11:19 p.m. by beatsplitz

Need help on this deck I made and have been working with; what I have listed is what the deck is composed of currently.

I'm trying to obtain 4 Clifftop retreats to replace some basic lands, and (maybe) 2 mox opals if I can get the money for it.

This deck is pretty much centered around getting a lot of equipment quickly onto a goblin gaveleer using a puresteel paladin or by getting at least getting an inquisitors flail, any other piece of equipment, and smacking with an assault strobe for a solid 20 with the gaveleer.

Theres a big draw mechanic and potential for metalcraft from all the 0 cost equipments and I wish I had more; I've considered infiltration lens but that's the only one I can think of.

Trying to keep this deck in standard.

From playing it so far, I've noticed that (against the decks ive played at least) the galvanic blasts arent very useful and, while apostle's blessing is very useful, I rush for a large strike early and never have mana left over to keep my attacking creature safe.

Any suggestions, anyone? Any cards you'd trade out, equipments you'd add, artifacts you'd add, or combos you'd use if playing this deck? Thanks! First real deck I've constructed on my own.

Epochalyptik says... #2

November 8, 2011 11:36 p.m.

beatsplitz says... #3

Yeah I guess I should have done the comment tutorial before posting then. Well, thanks for the help so far from the two people who posted on my decks page; still need more suggestions though.

Considering Darksteel Axe and trying to obtain 4x Clifftop Retreat. Inkmoth Nexus is a little too expensive and I don't feel the swords would help too much as theyre a bit too high mana cost for the way this deck works.

I'm also trying to get ahold of at least two mox opals, but that isn't entirely realistic unless I manage to get a nice trade for one.

November 10, 2011 10:37 p.m.

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