Nekusar making me queasy.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Dec. 13, 2013, 9:39 p.m. by Ohthenoises

Lord forbid that I actually need help!

Recently I've been wondering if I should add Howling Mine , Font of Mythos , and other cards like them to my Oprah Magic! Nekusar, the Mindrazer deck.

They kind of leave a bad taste in my mouth because they are reliant on my general being in play to do any damage. However I've been wondering if I should just bite the bullet and add them.

Also, I DO need to cut a slot for Consuming Aberration just because it's a broken card in this type of deck.

Any help would be amazing. Please note that Wrath of God effects are EXTREMELY prevalent in my meta. (And by prevalent I mean that each deck has at LEAST 5.)

Ohthenoises says... #2

Also, if you like it and have nothing to say, upvote it to let me know if you approve.

December 13, 2013 9:41 p.m.

meecht says... #3

I've found extra draw effects to be essential to winning. Everyone likes drawing cards, so they don't see Nekusar as a big threat...until they start taking 4-6 damage per card due to him, Howling Mine , Font of Mythos , Spiteful Visions , etc. Throw in Teferi's Puzzle Box and you can easily kill somebody during their draw step.

If you're afraid of wraths, add in Darksteel Plate and Shield of Kaldra , then hold back counter spells for stuff like Terminus and Cyclonic Rift .

I've had surprising success in both multiplayer and 1v1 with my build, IMMA FIRIN' MAH RAZER.

December 14, 2013 10:02 a.m.

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