New and need help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 29, 2013, 5:58 a.m. by Crystal-Westing
I'm new to Magic (literally started today) and I want some ideas and help for a deck. I liked playing with a mono-blue mill deck (I think that's what my friend said).I looked around and this was the variety of cards I like: 22 x Islands4 x Hedron Crab 4 x Tome Scour 2 x Unsummon 4 x Mana Leak 2 x Jace'e Erasure 2 x Dream Twist 1 x Curse of the Bloody Tome 4 x Mind Control 1 x Jace Beleren 2 x Mind Sculpt 2 x Dreadwaters 2 x Merfolk Mesmerist 2 x Geralf's Mindcrusher 2 x Jace's Archivist 4 x CancelIf I can I have pointers like what to fix up what to remove what to add ect. that would be great. (-)
it'd be so much easier if you made a deck and left the link here :)
October 29, 2013 6:10 a.m.
Keep in mind that my suggestions are somewhat budget, as that seemed to be the way you were going with the deck. Are you looking to play a specific format, or just casual?
October 29, 2013 6:28 a.m.
Gidgetimer says... #5
I like Jace's Phantasm and would suggest running it in place of Geralf's Mindcrusher .I would also suggest putting Increasing Confusion in instead of Mind Control . I agree with Dallie that you should swap Jace, Memory Adept in for Jace Beleren (only ever use the +0 on Memory Adept btw it mills much faster than +1-ing and trying to do the ultimate, unless you are trying to mill in multi-player which, don't.)
October 29, 2013 7:14 a.m.
@Gidgetimer: The thing about Jace's Phantasm is that it's not quite mill, nor is it quite beatdown. Increasing Confusion is a decent card, but it works best with lots of mana, something that this deck does not have. Maybe something like Fog Bank will serve better in this deck.
Dallie says... #2
Use double "Enter" to create several lines, and double "[" and "]" brackets to link cards.
22x Island
4x Hedron Crab
4x Tome Scour
2x Unsummon
4x Mana Leak
2x Jace's Erasure
2x Dream Twist
1x Curse of the Bloody Tome
4x Mind Control
1x Jace Beleren
2x Mind Sculpt
2x Dreadwaters
2x Merfolk Mesmerist
2x Geralf's Mindcrusher
2x Jace's Archivist
4x Cancel
I would find place for Thought Scour , by cutting both Jace's Erasure and a Mana Leak and a Cancel .
I would also swap Dreadwaters for Traumatize
and Jace Beleren for Jace, Memory Adept .
If continuous mill is a problem for you, then you could add in more Curse of the Bloody Tome s or Merfolk Mesmerist s. Perhaps over Geralf's Mindcrusher who seems overpriced - people aren't going to care about letting him hit 3 times, if your primary win-con is mill.
Also, I would consider adding swap 4 Islands for Evolving Wilds as it synergizes well with Hedron Crab , turning each into a better Tome Scour
October 29, 2013 6:09 a.m.