New Casual Play Deck Ideas???
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 14, 2020, 7:50 a.m. by Mxnst3r
I am looking for some help with a new Casual play Deck with friends (no cards are banned).
I am wanting to make a deck that says, "You can't touch me, and I'm still going to gain life."
Any ideas for cards to do this?
I have mill decks, burn decks, speed decks, unblockable decks, infect decks, exile decks, counter/creature destroy decks, monster green decks, etc. I need something fun (and maybe kinda troll-y), because it gets boring playing "better decks" than them. I want to sit back and laugh as they do nothing to me (without destroying their creatures/lands).
Thank you in advance.
Gidgetimer I like the premise, but all they have to do is destroy the enchantment at that point. I need a more rounded deck theme. Maybe Protection/Life Gain (not the "until end of turn" ones either).
August 14, 2020 8:18 a.m.
Gidgetimer says... #4
That is why I tried to point you toward looking at lists. The deck itself is well rounded and has things to take care of them trying to remove Confinement. King Durdle is the version that I have played, and it routinely has a softlock turn 3 that lasts until I can win. The deck winning after 3-4 turns of lock may contribute to this and it is sounding like you want more 10+ turns of lock, so it may not be ideal. But I hope it can offer inspiration.
There are other versions of Enchantress available, MTGGoldfish has a modern Maze's Endchantress that you could combine with the legacy one if you wanted a more Ghostly Prison style lock. There are also many Stax decks that just keep people from playing at all instead of just building yourself a pillow fort so that they can not touch you. Landstill is another of these "delaying tactics" style decks though I am unfamiliar with how it works beyond playing Standstill and man-lands.
I am just trying to point you toward decks that may give you inspiration. Many of these style of decks are vast interconnected interactions and it is easier to look at the decks and take what you like than to try and fully explain the deck in a post.
August 14, 2020 9:02 a.m.
seshiro_of_the_orochi says... #6
Seasons' Approach: How the seasons go by...
Take a look. Have fun with it ;)
August 14, 2020 10 a.m.
Mxnst3r I actually just built an EDH deck around this basic premise. It's a Zur the Enchanter deck with the whole idea based around becoming unkillable/untouchable.
Try using combos like Solemnity + Nine Lives or Rest in Peace + Energy Field
This is the deck: My Deck is my Phylactery
August 14, 2020 11:53 a.m.
libraryjoy says... #8
So here are a couple of ideas I've run in the past. You may want to make adjustments, but here's a place to start:
Mono-white combo Inviolability + Palace Guard or Inviolability + Wall of Glare . My deck purposely has some fragility built in because of not wanting to completely demolish my meta. With a bigger budget and some adjustments, I think this deck could be what you want it to be.
Green-white Assault Formation combo: Daru Spiritualist + Nomads en-Kor or Outrider en-Kor + Task Force create a creature with infinite toughness and allow you to redirect damage from other blockers to that creature. Any Assault Formation-type effect allows you to attack with them. Again, this is super budget and intentionally a little brittle, but you could easily beef it up for a more competitive meta.
Hold the Line - Casual 3-turn Win for <$10
Mono-white Life gain Angels: This deck uses Angelic Accord to pump out Angels while continually gaining life. It does well in a multi-player environment, because you can sometimes be gaining 15 life as it goes around the table. The biggest weakness is card draw. Again, super budget, but with room for improvement.
None of these are exactly what you wanted, but hopefully will spark your deck-building creativity! Good luck!
August 14, 2020 12:59 p.m.
libraryjoy another similar mono-white combo could be Pariah + Shielded by Faith. That way you're not only safe from creatures, but all sources of damage.
August 14, 2020 1:58 p.m.
libraryjoy says... #10
Massacar That certainly would work! I could see it in a Soul Sisters-type build to include the life gain aspect. Palisade Giant would be a duplicate effect (if high CMC), and Indestructibility would duplicate the second effect to increase consistency. It would require a bit more budget than I usually invest and make my meta quite cranky (They are not fans of my Sephara, Sky's Blade + Aegis Angel weenie flyers deck, or any of the many Selesnya decks I run with Shield of the Oversoul. Not that it stops me.) A lot of times I intentionally leave a deck weak to certain kinds of removal, especially where combo is concerned, to make it more fair. We do have an agreement that no one goes nuts on the field wipes. An occasional one is ok, but constant field wipes are not fun. We play budget casual/jank and casual EDH, often with younger and new players.
August 14, 2020 4:10 p.m.
Thank you libraryjoy, Massacar and DeinoStinkus. That is a lot of great feedback. I may have to play around with some of the concepts.
August 14, 2020 4:29 p.m.
->>Your Deck Tickles<<-
Thoughts on Draft #1?
libraryjoy Massacar DeinoStinkus Gidgetimer seshiro_of_the_orochi
Gidgetimer says... #2
Look up a legacy enchantress deck. The main thrust is to have Solitary Confinement out with Argothian Enchantress style effects and just play enchantments to draw cards and upkeep the Confinement.
August 14, 2020 8 a.m.