New Deck Concept - Brave Selesnya
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 10, 2014, 8:37 p.m. by Jairoe03
I would like critique on a newer deck concept that I am changing my Junk deck into. It basically utilizes white and Selesnya creatures for quick beats and providing protection/evasion through Brave the Elements . Selesnya Charm and Ajani, Caller of the Pride are also included for extra evasion and board control. Banisher Priest helps keep the board clear for additional damage.
Would like an overall critique of deck and also sideboard. Thank you
New deck concept: Brave Selesnya
I liked 4x Advent of the Wurm better replacing both Ajani and Boon Satyr (also replaced Ready//Willing with Rootborn Defenses ). Then I replaced Dryad Militant with Boros Elite hoping it should work out better. I don't like not being able to turn 2 for 2 damage with Boros Elite if it becomes my only 1 drop but hoping the 3/3 can make up for it later on. Adjusted my lands accordingly.
February 11, 2014 12:56 a.m.
Looking for more looks at deck, open to criticisms and suggestions are welcomed.
Jairoe03 says... #2
If I take out Boon Satyr , I feel I will need something of equivalent impact and was possibly thinking 2x Advent of the Wurm instead? I really like the ability to be able to sneak in 4 damage onto anything and make something like a Precinct Captain a 6/4 with First Strike, these are all just nice tricks though and an instant 5/5 Wurm with trample has tricks of its own (and would have to swap out Ready / Willing for Rootborn Defenses which isn't a big deal.
I still haven't got a good look at Ajani, Caller of the Pride yet, but like to be able to flying/double strike something, perhaps I can take those out and include 2 more copies of Advent of the Wurm . Sound like an improvement or just switching around tricks for other tricks? Perhaps if I go 4x Advent of the Wurm , I could potentially replace Dryad Militant with Experiment One ?
February 11, 2014 12:04 a.m.