New-ish EDH player.
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 11, 2014, 10:07 p.m. by jjdiddy65
I am kind of new to EDH and I really love the format so I am building a deck, only have some of the cards for it. But I need help maybe some cool interactions or cards to better the deck in general the overall theme is cards that effect all players, and almost every card in the deck effects everyone because it is fun to include others! I need a lot of help with it because I am not a very experience magic player and have only been playing for 8 or 9 months so I don't know a lot of old cards.
Chaotic Slug and Hug Playtest
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 5 VIEWSEpochalyptik says... #3
All the articles are on my profile page. You should find more than enough to get started with the format.
zandl says... #2
Epochalyptik can give you a really good link to a great article he authored. It'll fill you in on all the dos and don'ts for EDH.
In fact, I hear him coming now.
January 11, 2014 11:18 p.m.