New Modern Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 15, 2013, 1:38 a.m. by jjdiddy65
I only play Standard and EDH but I want to start playing Modern. What kind of deck would be easy, fun, and on the cheaper side to build? All of the modern decks I have looked at are either too expensive or look boring to play. I like fun and almost un-fair ways of winning if played right. Like Biovisonary or something. I have tried to build my own but they turn out horrible. Maybe some fun combo-decks or something?
U/R Storm doesn't need fetches as badly as other decks. You get to combo off on turn four (sometimes three) and nuke someone for 20+ damage.
RDW is dirt-cheap and forgiving to play, but it can get boring.
December 15, 2013 2:18 a.m.
gnarlicide says... #4
Pod is relatively cheap to make. I made my first build with no fetches and it did well enough to get the fetches with my store credit. My original build didn't run Chord of Calling
or Noble Heirarch for obvious reasons! but I suppose I could get them now... But I just haven't.
Dredgevine isn't necessarily cheap to buy straight up. But that's my go to for modern. It's really easy to play and really REALLY easy to get all the pieces for through trading. Angry Mob Justice (tournament report). I spent maybe $2.50 out of pocket for the deck. So that's an idea. My favorite thing about this one is that most this deck hasn't been popular in a while, so players have NO idea what to do about it in the beginning turns. By turn four, you can swing in for your first time, and it WILL be for lethal unless they block with everything. And even then, they are outclassed at that point. The drawbacks to this deck is that your sideboard is useless against 90 percent of the time and your graveyard is EXTREMELY fragile to hate. It is a great deck to troll people with when they don't see it coming, though. And it nets me top 2's regularly (I keep losing to my friend who runs mono green tron in the finals)
ryuzaki32667 says... #2
its not necessarily easy, as it is a combo deck, but is on the cheaper side as it has no fetches or shocks, there was a recent article about this deck type on star city earlier this week, and there is multiple ways of making it
December 15, 2013 1:43 a.m.