New modern deck idea
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 25, 2014, 5:27 p.m. by Lordofevolution
Ok so I saw an awesome opportunity with the new hydra Scourge of Skola Vale with the amazing jund warlord Kresh the Bloodbraided but the deck can't run off of just two cards so I'd like some help and ideas, will you help me?
For Scourge of Skola Vale I would suggest inexpensive (mana-wise) creatures with high toughness and good utility (ie Sylvan Caryatid ). This, however, would not work well with Kresh the Bloodbraided or Varolz, the Scar-Striped since they look at power.
Consider some of the "sacrifice at end of turn" creatures, or those with similar abilities, like Hell's Thunder , Archwing Dragon , or Blitz Hellion since they have really high power/toughness for their mana cost. You can sacrifice them to Scourge of Skola Vale before the end of turn, and then scavenge them for tons of counters.
It would also be fun to steal creatures with cards like Act of Treason and then sacrifice them >:D
Also make sure that your huge creatures are able to make it through to you opponent. Crowned Ceratok would work well for that. Running inexpensive creatures with trample, like Lotleth Troll or Kavu Predator would also be good for you early game and good scavenge targets. Polis Crusher and Shah of Naar Isle would also be fun.
Splinterfright would also have good synergy here. He can even be scavenged since his power/toughness are conditional.
If you end up running a lot of removal, Abyssal Persecutor could also be very powerful.
Well, that's my two cents, hope it helps.
January 25, 2014 6:27 p.m.
miracleHat says... #4
Instead of jund, morglen/junk would be better since it gives you access to Doran, the Siege Tower .
January 25, 2014 8:23 p.m.
Lordofevolution says... #5
Hmm that's not a bad idea either And the idea I like the abyssal prosecutor trick beat them up then sac the prosecutor (he needs a nickname FYI) and winning like that I could do that in either colors But with jund Removal will be common because it works with kresh and yes to both of you that did help a lot thanks got something to think about now
January 25, 2014 9:04 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #6
January 25, 2014 10:42 p.m.
Lordofevolution says... #8
Ok so I like the combos through the creatures you talking about but what was the second comment about that has me really confused and if you would explain that would be fantastic hahah
January 25, 2014 11:54 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #9
"abyssal prosecutor trick beat them up then sac the prosecutor (he needs a nickname FYI) "
His nickname is Percy.
I run him in smallpox.
Of Plague & Persecution Playtest
SCORE: 43 | 7 COMMENTS | 5332 VIEWSJanuary 26, 2014 12:10 a.m.
Lordofevolution says... #10
Hahahahaha Oh alright Percy good to know thanks sorry I was actually confused and again thanks for the help
Lordofevolution says... #2
Also the beast of g/b ravnica Varolz, the Scar-Striped would probably work nicely in this deck
January 25, 2014 5:33 p.m.