New Modern Player, New Modern Deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on April 10, 2012, 7:18 p.m. by DawnsRayofLight

So I have never played modern before, and I only have a vague idea about the decks in play. I really want to get into playing modern with the deck I have here: deck:the-mcp-rg-tron, inspired a bit by valakut decks and a lot of tron deck research. My request is for a sideboard to handle as many of the decks that might give this deck problems (I would love for them to be identified), how to side against them, and decks that I do not need to worry about. I also would like help with perfecting the mainboard. The deck plays nicely, I can usually have game by turn 7-8 at the latest. I also would like some popular lists to look at to see what I am up against, I have heard combo decks are big and I have a modern RDW (technically my friend's). I appreciate the feedback on the deck and I'll use what limited knowledge I have on older cards for ideas for your decks if you post a link. Thanks.

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