New Simic Deck--Looking for Input
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 10, 2013, 2:17 a.m. by Proteus
Hi everyone! I hate starting threads like this, but it seems like if I don't, my decks don't get a whole lot of attention. Basically, I've put together a Simic deck, here: Simic Tokens, that I plan on using tomorrow night at a nearby game store. I'm not exactly looking for anything in particular, just some general advice, input, and constructive criticism. If you think I'm totally nuts for even thinking such a thing would be playable, you can let me know that too--just be gentle with me :). The only specific question I have is whether or not I should add in some more mana dorks, such as Arbor Elf . The ramp seems to work alright as it is, but I've just been playing against my other decks, and, for the most part, they're not exactly what you would call fast.
Also, I was hoping that I could get some opinions on whether I should try running this, or my super cheap aggro deck G/R Aggro--Land One and Swing!. I'm broke, and it would be nice to win some store credit tomorrow night, in order to buy some new cards.
jonhydude says... #2
First off, Arbor Elf is a great ramper. The best ramper (In the standard one-drops).
Also, just check your cure. It seems a little Zig zaggy.
September 10, 2013 3:49 a.m.