New to Magic, Mono White Deck, HELP!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 8, 2013, 7:27 p.m. by Silentstealthe

I am fairly new to magic at least competetive, and I have this idea for a mono-white deck but I am having trouble trying to execute it. Can any of you help me make suggestions with the new standard being out? I dont have to stay mono white but I need some idea on what else I can do to make this deck more feasable. The only cards I wont remove are Ajani's Chosen, and Ajani, Caller of the Pride at least not completely remove them. I would greatly appreciate help.Thanks! :-)

Plainswalker(2) x2 Ajani, Caller of the Pride

Creatures(20) x4 Ajani's Chosen

x3 Master of Diversion x3 Banisher Priest x2 Fiendslayer PAladin x2 Guardian of the Gateless x2 Capashen Knight x1 Ajani's Sunstriker x1 Court Street Denizen x1 Seraph of the Sword x1 Imposing Sovereign

Enchantments(12) x3 Divine Favor x3 Pacifism x3 Path of Bravery x2 Guildscorn Ward x1 Holy Mantle

Instants(4) x2 Congregate x2 Celestial Flair

Artifacts(2) x2 Staff of the Sun Magus

Lands(20) x20 Plains

sylvannos says... #2

Can you put these into a deck then give us a link? It will make it easier to read and give us information on mana curve, price, etc.

August 8, 2013 7:37 p.m.

Silentstealthe says... #3

August 8, 2013 7:46 p.m.

Silentstealthe says... #4

Sorry I wasn't sure how to edit my post so I just commented. Hope that is okay!?

August 8, 2013 7:47 p.m.

Silentstealthe says... #5

Did the link work?

August 8, 2013 7:59 p.m.

Dylan says... #6

Here kitty kitty!

i linked it for u

August 8, 2013 8:21 p.m.

Slycne says... #7

First - How competitive do you really want this to be?

The simple fact is that Ajani's Chosen just isn't that aggressively costed of a card for it's size and ability. So while it's there's certainly room to fine tune this, if you're idea of competitive is routinely winning FNMs and higher events it's just not going to get there. Don't want that to sound mean or elitist, just putting that out there.

Second - What is the decks plan?

Right now you seem to be gravitating towards some kind of beatdown strategy with Ajani's Chosen , but a lot of the cards don't support that well. The enchantments are a little weak and running cards like Congregate and Staff of the Sun Magus is almost always a mistake because of their lack of board presence. Trying to basically win the game after turn 4 with card advantage interactions is more of a midrange strategy, meaning you want to be running more early removal and less aggressive early creature drops and the life gain spells.

Add things like Renounce the Guilds , Ethereal Armor , Oblivion Ring , more Celestial Flare and Pacifism , and consider adding another colors for stronger enchantments like Detention Sphere and Unflinching Courage - though you wouldn't want to combine that with Renounce the Guilds . Remove Divine Favor , Guildscorn Ward , Congregate , Staff of the Sun Magus and any creature that can't block and trade well. You're still going to be at risk of getting 2 for 1'd on all your enchantments, but the Ajani's Chosen helps to mitigate the loss.

Third - Perhaps the biggest issue right now is the deck is simply running too few lands, 20 lands with that curve is going to be inconsistent. You have a lot of 3, 4 and 5 casting cost cards, and 20 lands is statistically good up to around only 3-4 mana. For instance, on the play with 20 lands you're only 64% likely to make your 3rd land drop on T3. You probably want to push it up to 22-24 lands.

August 8, 2013 8:26 p.m.

sylvannos says... #8

For reference, type:

[ Word you want to use ] ( URL ) make a link like this:


...which is typed out:

[ Link ] ( )

...with no spaces between the brackets and parenthesis. Also, I left a comment on your deck.

August 8, 2013 10:09 p.m.

Silentstealthe says... #9

Ok so I am thinking about adding blue to my deck since Claustrophobia and Sensory Deprivation seem ideal for blocking the other player. Any suggestions on what other blue cards I could add and which white ones to remove? How would I do the land seperation also?

August 9, 2013 6:39 p.m.

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