New to Modern, seriously need some sideboard help.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 14, 2013, 11:42 p.m. by Monoxidechild

I'm rather new to Modern so I wanted a deck that followed a few rules;

  • a simple build I could easily navigate
  • rather cheap
  • still has that "oh man is this fun" impact when I play

Now quick modern infect is not new, and I'd never claim I came up with the concept, but it has really peaked my interest.

This build is rather consistent, but I wouldn't mind tweaks advice. What I'd especially love though is some sideboard advice, being new to Modern, I have very little idea what I should be looking for.

Hey, I posted a link on your deck to a helpful website, I neglected to mention, you should take a look at the classic competitive Infect decks on the site, it may give you some ideas. :)

November 15, 2013 12:17 a.m.

Slycne says... #3

Well one of the best aspects of Modern is how wide the field is, both in the number of viable decks and the card pool. This means you get to play some real hoser sideboard cards, but because there are so many deck it's hard to craft a good sideboard in the blind - it's a building process that depends a lot on what your local meta is.

Some cards to consider though -

  • Nature's Claim a great answer to some problematic or key cards, and you don't even care about the drawback. Many infect lists run 4 in the sideboard.

  • Dismember while it might seem strange to run a black card with no black mana. Dismember is one of the most widely run spells for its ability to be a 1 mana kill spell in any color. Sure you take 4 damage, but it's important to have some interaction for the creature based combo decks and at least one popular deck mainboards Melira, Sylvok Outcast .

  • Spellskite provides a way for you to divert removal spells away from your infect creature while still tapped out.

  • Pithing Needle a decent one mana response.

  • Hurkyl's Recall can be just the delay you need against the artifact heavy decks.

Also for the mainboard, don't forget about Might of Old Krosa as it represents a 4 power pump for 1.

November 15, 2013 1:44 a.m.

Monoxidechild says... #4

Awesome, thanks guys!

November 15, 2013 2:27 a.m.

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