New to MTG and need help building around Gishath, Sun's Avatar
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 9, 2024, 1:17 p.m. by scaredoatmeal
My friend got me a precon and several boosters. He had me switch some out already but it feels like I get mana-starved at times. Does my collection have better cards I can swap out for?
World_Peace says... #3
The only good cards I saw were Felwar Stone and Rishkar's Expertise. What you want to do in WRG is play a one mana "dork" turn 1 and follow it up with a three mana double ramp like Kodama's Reach or Greenweaver Druid on turn 2. The double ramp spells don't just accelerate your mana, they act like card draw because you get 2 mana/lands from 1 card. Single ramp spells like Nature's Lore are good at fixing colors, but your game plan requires massive amounts of mana, so they don't really cut it in your specific deck. You can buy a lot of these cards for 50 cents or less, just cut some of the clunker dinos to make room.
DoomNoodle says... #2
Only did a quick glance at your list, and at 39 mana I can only assume you may need to hard core shuffle that bad boy. Other than that, a quickly take away, I saw only the 3 sorcery land tutors so maybe swap out a few other low impact cards for more of those. The Three Visits, Nature's Lore kinda deal. That comes with play testing your deck of course so for now I think you may need to just shuffle more or you may be keeping poor hands. mulligan to 3 or 4 lands and make sure you're hitting all three colors or atleast 2 colors with one being green with one of your tutors to fix the rest. Other than that lands good spread evenly where needs to be and curves out nicely considering its dinosaurs. Will look further to see if I can offer swap suggestions.
January 11, 2024 5:55 a.m.