New to standard format, good decks?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 2, 2012, 6:28 p.m. by BoSim
Well ive played magic a long time years ago but just now coming back to play competative again and looking to spend some on a good standard deck if you could give me some suggestions for what does well at tournaments now that would be sweet. Budget or non budget whatever a good deck is now and is fun to play with thanks =)
It all depends on what your meta is playing. Zombies and Thragtusk selesnya or bant flicker are pretty popular. A good bang flicker deck I know of is rckclimber777's Yea we've got that
December 2, 2012 6:48 p.m.
Just run anything that has 4x Thragtusk and you'll fit right in. Best Thragtusk deck I could come up with Thragtusk AWAY.
December 2, 2012 7:09 p.m.
IMHO, the best decks in standard right now are mid-range, which are decks that can fend off early threats by ramping up mana and/or using removal when necessary, then drop fat bombs when most decks can't handle them.
I played this deck last FNM (two days ago) and made Top 8: Zandl's Jundwalkers (5th @ FNM!)
I played this deck for about 3 or 4 weeks straight with a good amount of success. It landed me in at least Top 8 each week: deck:zandls-big-ass-wipes-3rd-fnm
December 2, 2012 7:09 p.m.
Oh yeah, anything zandl builds, play that. I have done really well with those decklist.
December 2, 2012 7:10 p.m.
Well, apparently, I'm some sort of low-key celebrity now.
When I get serious about deck-lists, I get results. That's all I'll say.
December 2, 2012 7:12 p.m.
I can't take deckbuilding seriously, so I usually end up with some pretty insane 30 card combos, which is why I play EDH..
December 2, 2012 7:15 p.m.
trudat DaCeltics. just play anything zandl builds. he has so many decks that you could probably play any color or combination of colors and still win. =P
December 2, 2012 7:42 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #11
Is it too late in the format for RDW to be a formidable archetype? As in have enough people picked up on ways around it...
There's a few Selesnya and Azorius aggro decks popping up around the place, the latter focusing more on human-tribal cards from Innistrad while Selesnya concentrates more on the value green normally has in stuff like Loxodon Smiter , Centaur Healer and Rancor
Not many golgari and rakdos decks around... scavenge and unleash aren't weak mechanics, they're just overshadowed by a lot of other cards. Scavenge, for instance, isn't as viable as it should be due to the amount of graveyard hate innistrad brought along with it, though the strongest piece of hate comes from Deathrite Shaman one of the staples of current jund decks. There are a few zombie decks in golgari and rakdos colours though... i personally run a golgari control deck but that's just a rogue project of mine...
Then there's azorius, bant and, the relatively rare, izzet control. Little to explain, they have decent threats, answers and more answers. There's Guttersnipe izzet decks, but they're more casual-multiplayer than anything else
I've seen a few rogue enchantment decks focusing on Sphere of Safety .
Junk midrange WBG wedge combination of fair, midrange threats, answers, Unburial Rites and token generation... namely Lingering Souls
Finally there's jund midrange. The colour combination just happens to have an assortment of the most efficient removal, potent creatures and mana-fixing available at the moment. It's annoying how half the meta at the more prominent place i go to has suddenly changed to jund, eh... what can i do.
Oh and then theres the odd remnant-sliver of delver here and there... not the archetype that it used to be... either these guys running the deck are crazy, lucky or everyone's letting them win.
Tht's as well as i know
December 2, 2012 9:20 p.m.
You could try One Mana Glee v2 or obviously One Mana Glee. V2 is with green slashed into v1.
December 2, 2012 9:25 p.m.
Fleetfiend says... #14
Bah, play something you enjoy to play. Look at the cards that are currently Standard, and if you see something that piques your interest, go from there. That's what I do. I'm currently running a G/U self-mill deck that plays with moderate success, but is a ton of fun: deck:dead-marshes.
December 3, 2012 1:33 a.m.
thanks for all the help guys anyone else have any deck ideas? maybe for around $150-$200 and under thats about my budget haha
December 3, 2012 9:57 p.m.
gheridarigaaz says... #16
I know the current format's pretty focused at the moment on encouraging people to go multicolour, but going mono-white weeines with stuff like Fencing Ace and Champion of the Parish or mono-black control with Mutilate , Shimian Specter and discard, isn't out of the question. I think thres quite a bit of support for going mono colour for each colour bar blue...
And most of the mana-fixing is what escalates the prices on current decks nowadays anyway... though i advise you to get what dual-lands you may need in the future right now, seeing as the prices won't go anywhere but up in the times approaching
The_Darkhorse says... #2
Always reppin B/R Zombies
December 2, 2012 6:38 p.m.