New to Tournament Play (Deck Help Wanted)

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 4, 2014, 10:53 p.m. by jmarlowe216

I have been playing magic for years but just casually with friends and occasionally we will do a sealed tournament. I am looking, however, to enter the FNM scene with a new deck that I built, and would like some advice from the veterans if the deck is a good build for it and if any changes should be made.

The deck is built with cards that I have and any suggestions are welcome. If I don't currently have the card suggested I will put in maybeboard until I can acqire it. Deck is linked below.

May the Gods have Mercy on Your Soul (Help Wanted)

Devilsmage says... #2

I dont really have any particular suggestions other than you are running way too many 1- off cards. Look up the rule of 9 for magic the gathering. So many 1 and 2's will lead to many inconsistent draws.

March 4, 2014 11:44 p.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #3

Thanks for the advice. I have never actually hear of the rule of 9, but after reading on it, it makes sense. I will probably see how the deck runs and see how the rule can make it better.

March 4, 2014 11:57 p.m.

jaggthemiller says... #4

your deck seems all over the place. i wouldn't mind making a copy deck and cleaning it up for. so you can be ready for the fnm

March 5, 2014 2:14 a.m.

jaggthemiller says... #5

i just don't like this deck as an aggressive deck i think a control deck would be better. your not playing to many ''good'' creatures and your trying to overload with the gods your takign from the aggression. if you make it a control deck and put Alpha Authority on Archangel of Thune ( just for reinsurance..or even put in aetherling and sideboard thune agaisnt control decks)

March 5, 2014 2:27 a.m.

jaggthemiller says... #6

copy 9 heres my copy of the deck see if you like it. i think its alot better. it is up 200$ though...and you can still change things around

March 5, 2014 2:35 a.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #7

I really like your idea there but yes the cost is a bit too much at this time. I understand you take on the gods, they are really nice but can cause inconsistencies in the draw. I will definately keep your idea in mind and possibly try to trade for the cards I would need.

I tried to clean it up a bit to focus on just a couple of things instead of a bunch of things happening. let me know what you think. Thune Rebuild.

March 5, 2014 6:11 a.m.

jaggthemiller says... #8

@jmarlowe i like your recreation as well it seems like it can go somewhere. but i would still run 3 or 4 revolations

March 5, 2014 1:02 p.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #9

I deffinately looking to get more revalations, just a bit out of the budget right now. Reworked the deck a bit more and think I like it. Let me know what you think.

The Archangel of Kruphix (FNM)

March 6, 2014 12:38 a.m.

jaggthemiller says... #10

i rather you have 2x Dissolve 3x Nullify switched.

March 6, 2014 1:50 a.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #11

Yeah I really like dissolve over nullify, just couldn't find all of them. If I can't find them i can just pick one up from the card sharp on Friday. Besides this issue, what do you think of the deck?

March 6, 2014 5:12 a.m.

jaggthemiller says... #12

i think trading Ephara's Enlightenment for more revelations but those are pricey...and shrine to nyx doesn't work well with a 3 color deck, rather see a temple/shock in place of it...other thent hat you have a nice like to see how it does in fnm

March 6, 2014 5:22 a.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #13

Once I get the revelations I will definately trade out Ephara's Enlightenment for them. I do not have any of the shock lands but I know how well they work in standard right now, but getting just two of each of the three I would need is $60 -$80 so I would have to see what I may be able to trade for them. Again thanks for the help and I will post up on the new deck page how well it works at FNM if I am able to make it this weekend.

March 6, 2014 5:30 a.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #14

BTW how do you like the sideboard? I tried to put some things in there that could be versatile depending on the deck I am playing against. And the maybe board is a list of cards I need to acquire for the deck.

March 6, 2014 5:35 a.m.

jaggthemiller says... #15

np i just went to my first fnm last friday and i was going deck crazy the previous week. it can be frustrating not having the best you can...try and borrow some cards from friends or something. (if u can) maybe go one more week if you can get some cards lil bit later

March 6, 2014 5:37 a.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #16

Got another update to the deck before I go to FNM tonight, check it out and see what you think

March 7, 2014 4:46 p.m.

jaggthemiller says... #17

i like it but it needs to get better there are still a few changes you need to make. i went to my first fnm like i told you and i seen the goods and bads of how they decks worked i seen what was necessary and what helped...this isnt coming from a pro this is coming from a middle player where i like to help ''beginners'' learn a few more things to help them. and every game is different so certain cards are going to be helpfull...but what is more helpfull then others..

now time for the advice. your trying to make this an aggro deck(says in your description) but this is a midrange deck...i personally believe it would do a lot better as a control deck you would do alot better....take a look at a control deck i made it goes bonkers..copy 14..if you want to make this an aggro deck..change some instants with Detention Sphere ..boost your mana to 22/23/24 ..sideboard Blind Obedience and get 4 Aqueous Form ..and again your filling the board with youre gods which arnt needed as much as you may think...i would drop your mono color gods and get 2x of the multi sorry but this deck really is a mess and i dont think its fnm ready (im not saying its bad) but id like to see you do good because iv been trying to help you a id liek to know how you did as well afterwords just...its not ready for the top players..maybe you will win your bottom matches

March 8, 2014 12:24 a.m.

jmarlowe216 says... #18

Lol, I think you were looking at the wrong deck, new update to deck is at The Archangel of Kruphix (FNM), Went completely azorius. went 2-3 tonight with it. The maybe board is cards that I want to get to complete the deck.

March 8, 2014 1:54 a.m.

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