Newbie Needs Suggestions - Standard
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 4, 2014, 1:53 p.m. by TheHiketeia
I recently got into Magic when a friend dragged me to a Sealed draft tourney a few weeks ago.
I'm looking at building my first standard deck, and I have no idea where to start. Are there any particularly good card/color combinations for a newb?
Dalektable says... #3
As i tend to do i am going to recommend Matsi883's deck
SLIVERS!!!!! SLIVERS!!!!! SLIVERS!!!!! Playtest
SCORE: 104 | 11 COMMENTS | 14526 VIEWSI'm pretty sure i am the biggest supporter of it, haha. But it is a fairly cheap deck, not difficult to pilot, fast and fun. Remove the Mutavault and it's about a 40 dollar deck i believe.
March 4, 2014 2:30 p.m.
You do tend to do that, Dalektable. You are now the deck's official biggest fan.
March 4, 2014 5:29 p.m.
TheHiketeia says... #7
@SharuumNyan - I do have a budget - no more than $60 (for now). I really liked the Red/Green deck I built in the draft, so I'll look into your suggestion of finding an affordable Standard red deck build.
SharuumNyan says... #2
Do you have a budget? Most competitive Standard decks are in the $200 - $600 range. There are ways of building good budget decks though, in the $50-$100 range. Knowing what you can spend is helpful before we start throwing expensive card suggestions at you :)
Red and Red/White decks are effective and cheap right now. You might also consider a Sliver deck. They aren't super competitive, but they are cheaper to build and easy to pilot. They can be a great introduction for a new player.
When you played at the sealed tournament, were their certain cards you enjoyed playing more than others?
March 4, 2014 2:01 p.m.