Newer Mono Red Aggro

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 14, 2013, 12:31 p.m. by firedeepinfire

Hello all!I recently just got back into Magic, and have decided to put together a mono red aggro deck based on what I think is good, and also what I have seen from various top decks as well. I realize though that on September 27th there will be a new series of cards released, and thus making some of the current series out of Standard play (correct me if I am wrong). So I wanna take this into consideration and put together a deck that will still be legit and playable once this change happens, but I also realize that this takes out some of the very good cards that are currently in the some of the standard mono red aggro (Hellrider). So here is the deck that I am thinking about currently putting together, and I would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions to help improve it.

CREATURES4x Ash Zealot4x Burning-Tree Emissary4x Chandra's Phoenix4x Rakdos Cackler4x Young Pyromancer4x Rubblebelt Raiders4x Legion LoyalistSPELLS4x Flames of the Firebrand4x Shock4x Mizzium MortarsLANDS20x MountainsSIDEBOARD4x Burning Earth4x MindSparker4x Electrickery3x Skullcrack

So.. that is what I came up with so far. Some cards that come up that I think might be good, but am unsure about are Mutavault and Chandra Pyromaster. Mutavault seems okay for a mono red, but I am unsure about the idea of having a colorless mana since a lot of the cards in this deck require 2-3 mountains per cast. And with Chandra Pyromaster, I noticed that none of the top decks use it, and am unsure of how worth it would be to have a 4 drop planeswalker that could possibly only do 1 damage to player or creature per turn (I realize that the 0 ability can be pretty decent too though). Any thoughts?The whole point of me putting this deck together is of course to have fun playing magic, but also a new game store opened up near my house and they hold magic tournaments there (standard, modern, and draft). I really only want to play the standard tournaments, so it would be nice to have something that is pretty decent to play with and also something long term ish (to avoid rebuilding another deck in a month or so).Much thanks for taking time out of your day to read this, I look forward to hearing your guys input!

firedeepinfire says... #2

Dont know how to edit my post... But here is a better formatted card list.

CREATURES4x Ash Zealot 4x Burning-Tree Emissary 4x Chandra's Phoenix 4x Rakdos Cackler 4x Young Pyromancer 4x Rubblebelt Raiders 4x Legion Loyalist

SPELLS4x Flames of the Firebrand 4x Shock 4x Mizzium Mortars LANDS20x Mountains

SIDEBOARD4x Burning Earth 4x Mindsparker 4x Electrickery 3x Skullcrack

August 14, 2013 12:36 p.m.

PotatoPi says... #3

You do know this website has a deck builder feature, right?

August 14, 2013 12:40 p.m.

firedeepinfire says... #4

I looked at it a little bit, and from what I saw it was a lot of people posting their own deck ideas, and people giving them an overall score. Whereas I wanted to get direct feedback on a deck that I am planning on making, as well as get possible recommendation that can make my deck better. So after looking on the forum it seemed like "Deck Help" would be my best bet to get this kind of advice.

August 14, 2013 12:51 p.m.

Zurnic says... #5

In this instance I would recommend using the deck builder because it gives you lots of tool like sorting by CMC, total mana costs, etc. Also you can link to your deck in this post so people can comment directly on the deck.

August 14, 2013 12:54 p.m.

Zurnic says... #6

I think you could safely use Pillar of Flame and Searing Spear . They're dirt cheap and then you can cycle them out and use new Theros block stuff if it's better.

August 14, 2013 12:56 p.m.

PotatoPi says... #7

On the deck builder people can comment and give suggestions.

August 14, 2013 12:58 p.m.

firedeepinfire says... #8

There is a link to a deck in the deck builder.

I definately thought about using those cards, but I kind of like Flames of Firebrand a little more than searing spear since I can choose multiple targets. I think this would make it very good vs a lot of the Jund decks and R/G since I could target down those elves. Pillar of Flame seems pretty neat though.

August 14, 2013 1:36 p.m.

PotatoPi says... #9

deck chart New Style Mono Red Aggro


August 14, 2013 1:41 p.m.

This discussion has been closed