Offering EDH deck help!

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 30, 2013, 6:38 a.m. by Epochalyptik

A while back, I promised the TappedOut community a set of articles. I am no less busy now than I was then, but I am dedicating the time to compose and publish a series of EDH articles for the benefit of our players. In preparation for this work, I am offering my services as a veteran EDH player. Post your decks here and I'll take a look.

Each post should contain:

  1. A link to the deck.
  2. A description of what the deck is supposed to do.
  3. Any design limitations you have (e.g. no infinite combos).
  4. Your approximate budget.
  5. The kind of meta for which the deck is built (e.g. casual, tournament, etc.).

DaShPrime says... #1

Thanks for volunteering to do this!

  1. Click. Chitter. Boom.
  2. I mean, it's Slivers. Aggro all day. I would think some sort of recursion to bring back dead and valuable Slivers is good, but I have no idea how to go about doing that.
  3. No infinite combos (so no Heartstone + Sliver Queen ), and not too much cheese in general.
  4. <$300?
  5. Extremely casual meta, I'm trying to convince my playgroup to go into EDH, so this is kind of an experiment with the format.
June 1, 2013 10 a.m.

Panda213 says... #2

ruhan solo of the falcon brigade

Looking for a direction to take it in...

No limits except for anything that's banned

I have about $100 to throw at this deck

Atm its just for casual play :)

June 1, 2013 10:07 a.m.

MartialArt says... #3

Thanks for the offer Epochalyptik. Your deck comments were always extremely helpful.

Here's my current project:

  1. Don't touch me!
  2. A pillowfort commander with commander damage as a win con.
  3. No Grave Pact . My playgroup doesn't like it. Everything else is ok.
  4. No budget for now. I will tell you in a comment if a card is too expensive for me.
  5. Casual to competitive meta. Depends on the players that come into my local playstore. Mostly casual.

Thanks a lot.

greets MA

June 1, 2013 10:36 a.m.

MartialArt says... #4

Forgot to mention to point 3: No land destruction.

June 1, 2013 10:38 a.m.

Hey bud I enjoyed our playtest a while back, and would like your opinion!

  1. Mayael the Chubby Chaser

  2. Designed to be efficient enough of an Aggro deck to compete with Combo decks such a yours.

  3. No limitations, other than this should be an efficient beatdown deck

  4. No real budget, but currently cannot afford ABUR and Fetch lands

  5. Designed to be powerful enough for tournament play.


June 1, 2013 12:21 p.m.

Execut1ve says... #6

Hi Epochalyptik!

Sliver is my deck

Goal is to get a bunch of slivers out that make each other stronger, in conjunction with timely use of commander, and overwhelm opponent with combat damage

No real design limitations or budget, I'll proxy what I can't get. The lands are pretty exotic, I was just having fun with them since I don't usually play 5 color, so I might end up running more basic lands

For casual play with friends

My main concern is that it doesn't have much to counter creature removal, it could maybe use more control?


June 1, 2013 12:40 p.m.

Asuras says... #7

This is my first EDH deck attempt, and I'd love to get feedback! Thanks Epochalyptik!

My deck is Demonic Legion.

I'm looking for a beatdown deck centered around (obviously) demons.

The only limitation is that I'd like to maintain the theme as much as possible.

No budget.

Casual meta.

Currently I'm trying to lower the number of cards that allow reanimation, but I can't seem to find much else.

Thank you!

June 1, 2013 2:17 p.m.

MagicalHacker says... #8

Sorry to comment a second time, but this deck is giving me nightmares...

  1. deck chart I Can Count To Infinity

    SCORE: 3 | 0 COMMENTS | 1060 VIEWS
    Commander / EDH mstancea Playtest

  2. Survive while playing "random" cards that magically produce an infinite mana combo. I want a full barrage of cards like Sadistic Sacrament to still leave me with infinite mana combos aplenty. Once I get infinite mana, I use that to cast my commander and take control of all permanents for the rest of the game.
  3. I would rather not utilize instants or sorceries to ensure my survival. I would much rather have permanents that do that.
  4. No budget.
  5. Tournament.
June 1, 2013 2:32 p.m.

springerzach says... #9

  2. use Doran, the Siege Tower and other creatures with high toughness to swing in for the win.
  3. no limitation
  4. i don't want to spend more then about 10-15 dollars for a cards
  5. i want to play more tournaments but the tournaments are kind of casual
June 1, 2013 4:34 p.m.

Epochalyptik, supreme TappedOut member :D

  1. Never let you walk alone
  2. The goal is to beat face into the opponent with walkers. I know you have given your insighth on this deck before but I have tweaked it since then.
  3. My limitations are Sliver Overlord is the general, the deck is meant to be more stylish and flashy than it is to be consistent and powerful. The reason for this is cause of the power the Planeswalkers possess. No infinite combos and of course, the Commander ban list taken into consideration.
  4. My budget is limited, despite having big money cards in the deck I still am trying to keep it as low as possible.
  5. Casual 1v1 environment, may be played in multiplayer.
June 1, 2013 4:55 p.m.

thesmurfiest says... #11

1.lotsa vamps2.Overwhelm with creatures and kill spells3.Open to just about anything 4.I plan to still spend some decent money on this for the right cards so all suggestions welcome5.Mostly casual but would love to try it In a tourney. In other words I want it totally legal

June 1, 2013 5:04 p.m.

Myogenesis says... #12

Thank you for this; I have only played one EDH game and am looking to get into the format, so any advice you can offer is amazing!

  2. Graveyard play, act as a foundation for me to try EDH for the first time (I've only played once, with a deck I don't own, but I loved it)/
  3. It is a very casual setting at my LGS, I would prefer anything that doesn't make me a kill target (cheap combos, infinite combos, etc.)
  4. As this is my first EDH deck, I am shooting for a budget deck. I actually have gathered all the cards you see in the current list, but don't mind getting a few extras that you recommend!
  5. Very casual.
June 1, 2013 6:54 p.m.

SeniorBlopi says... #13

  1. Command the Rats
  2. Draw cards and swarm, keep my board presence high and my enemys to a minimum
  3. None really, just stick to the offical ban list.
  4. I'd like to keep it under $300 but if it goes over its fine
  5. Semi-Casual, we play for fun but at the end of every month we hand out prizes
June 1, 2013 7:42 p.m.

mistyfud says... #14

  1. Jarad's Cycle of Life Stupid name I know, so suggestions for a new one are welcome!
  2. Lurk in the background in the beginning and let others duke it out while I assemble a graveyard. If needed, I will respond to threats with cards like Putrefy , Krosan Grip , and Sever the Bloodline . Almost all of my creatures provide some utility other than another target for Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord to blow up. The deck is pretty good at digging for what it needs with cards like Hermit Druid and Corpse Connoisseur so it can regulate the board state and build up a nice wall of defense and threats. Once my opponents are weakened from mass disruption cards like Mindslicer and Decree of Pain , I go in for the kill by exploding a massive Lord of Extinction or simply reanimating an army with Living Death . Common themes in this deck are self-mill, disruption, card draw, and creature sacrifice.
  3. My main rule is I do not want to use incredibly un-fun cards, such as Sorin Markov , that just draw hate and don't really accomplish my goal of suddenly killing all my opponents at once. I am not playing with a sideboard at the moment.
  4. I will consider whatever is suggested, but I will not be purchasing cards like Bayou or other pricey staples anytime soon.
  5. Semi-competitive in a casual multiplayer setting. I don't really believe EDH should be played for prizes in a tournament setting. However, I do love building a machine of a deck that functions smoothly and responds to a variety of scenarios.
June 1, 2013 8:42 p.m.

1) A link to the deck: The Ooze That Conquers All

2) A description of what the deck is supposed to do:

Fill up graveyards - mine primarily - to reanimate creatures. Cards like Animate Dead , Victimize , and Beacon of Unrest do tons of work to get lots of value out of the same cards multiple times. The Mimeoplasm can be a versatile combination of any number of creatures. Example: Gaea's Revenge with counters equal to Death's Shadow can be an instant kill if unblocked. Cards like Living Death and Twilight's Call finish off the game by bringing masses of creatures into play simultaneously. Other win conditions include Grimoire of the Dead or flinging a massive creature like Consuming Aberration with Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord .

3) Any design limitations you have (e.g. no infinite combos).

-No infect. Not fun to play against and makes me a target in future games.

-No infinite combos. Same as above. I don't like using them anyways.

4) Your approximate budget.

I would prefer a max of $25 for each nonland card suggested, and a max of $15 for each land suggested. Not planning to buy ABUR duals or fetches anytime soon.

5) The kind of meta for which the deck is built (e.g. casual, tournament, etc.).

Mostly used in casual-ish games but I wouldn't mind being able to take on some more cutthroat decks. Any really competitive cards can be put into a sideboard, so I can take suggestions for both casual and competitive.

Thank you very much for taking the time to do this.

June 1, 2013 10:45 p.m.

lolipop666 says... #16

1 : Mayael, Fatties Everywhere
2 : Classic Mayael the Anima deck, my only combo is Bear Umbra + Hellkite Charger but i'm not sure it's worth a place in the deck..
3 : Not sucking the fun out of the game with loooong infinite combo's and no land destruction
4: i already bought for 140$ of cards and ready to put 50-60$ more5 : For casual

Thank you for taking so much time (ik it must be really looong to do all those help requests)

June 2, 2013 12:09 a.m.

Grixisthug says... #17

  1. Mayael and her pals.
  2. The deck is supposed to power out large creatures
  3. No limitation
  4. The budget is under 500.00
  5. Semi-casual, would like it to be competitive on a smaller scale
June 2, 2013 12:32 a.m.

tcglkn says... #18

This is awesome! Thanks.

  2. Just a R/B tribal vampire deck. Mostly black but splashing red.
  3. I don't really have any limits although I don't like doing things that make me a huge target in the game.
  4. I'm trying not to spend too much on any 1 card. Any of the expensive cards in my deck I already own.
  5. More for casual play, but I like to win (and so do my friends), so it'll probably end up getting more competitive.
June 2, 2013 3:50 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #19

  1. Justice League: Unlimited

  2. Planeswalker EDH deck. 22 Planeswalkers and Sliver Queen as a general to produce token blockers due to my mass mana excel

  3. No limitations, all combos and cards are a go.

  4. No budget as well. Looking for the best of the best ideas.\

  5. My meta is very competitive and many play combos and many play aggro. We all play casually with each other but play by tournament rules.

June 2, 2013 6:03 a.m.

Joeread says... #20

Yo!Here's my deck1. It's stormy out.2. This is a crazy storm Hive Mind deck, The whole point of it is to sit there quietly not really being a threat and then BAM! everything goes nuts.3. My group has a ban on infinites and mass land bombs but no ban on huge numbers of crazy spells resolving at once.4. I don't have much money for cards so a limit of about 7 for some exceptional cards, everything else needs to average at around 2.5. My meta is very casual, we're just playing to have fun.

June 2, 2013 7:30 a.m.

rathalos3000 says... #21

  1. Karrthus EDH

  2. Its a dragon deck that wants to throw out dragons and kill my opponents. I do often win with finisher cards like Savage Beating etc.

  3. I dont like infinite combos.

  4. The budget is not high, im trying to spend not to much money for the cards.

  5. Its a casual deck, I mostly play with some friends of me, never played a tournament.

Thank you for the deck help offer :)

June 2, 2013 7:54 a.m.

loveislikepi says... #22

Thanks heaps for looking at all the decks. Epochalyptik

Below is my current project:

  1. The Aunty from Hell
  2. The goal is to win by overrunning people with goblins. Also synergy out the everywhere. Alternate win conditions are mainly focused on sacrificing goblins to kill people or sacrificing goblins for mana and using that mana to kill people.
  3. No infinite combos No insta-win combos.
  4. Cheaper is better for budget, but if a card is fantastic I'm happy to fork out for it. Probably no cards over $40
  5. Our meta tries to keep things balanced and is casual, but it is casual at a fairly competitive level. I would love for this deck to be as competitive as possible without going infinate. Thanks for your time
June 2, 2013 9:26 a.m.

Slaot says... #23


2.) The deck is very preventative, with many combos (Vedalken Mastermind/Stasis)(Mind Over Matter/Arcanis The Omnipotent) that help to completely lock down the opponent, with many win factors. (Omniscience -> Terminus -> Blightsteel Colossus)

3.) I would prefer not to go infinite.

4.) I have no budget.

5.) I plan on going to EDH night at my LGS soon, I want to be as competitive as possible.

June 2, 2013 10:44 a.m.

jlofgren49 says... #24

1 aetherling and clone deck

2 This deck is supposed to Clone creatures on the battlefield, including one of the four AEtherling s in the deck. I could potentially return some of my creatures to my hands and play them again to clone a new creature. I could also create copies of tokens which are themselves copies using cards like Wake the Reflections . If all goes according to plan, I could eventually play Supreme Verdict to kill everything on the field, exiling my AEtherling beforehand to save it.

  1. This is a deck made for Standard

  2. I wasn't having any specific budget in mind but not too expensive (over 50)

  3. I'll probably play in FNMs in my area, nothing super formal (e.g. no tournaments) but some casual play would be fun.

June 2, 2013 11:33 a.m.

tigersfan774 says... #25

  1. Zur Enchanted
  2. The goal is to control the board with enchantments and counters while pumping up Zur and my other creatures to attack and get the win.
  3. I have no real limitations other than the ban list.
  4. Let's say $200-$300
  5. I play mostly casual but I still want it to be able to win.


June 2, 2013 1:26 p.m.

Grixisthug says... #26

  1. Mayael and her pals.
  2. This deck is meant to win by powering out large creatures
  3. No limitation beside the commander ban list
  4. 400-500$
  5. Mainly casual, but also meant to be semi-competetive at the LGS.
June 2, 2013 1:47 p.m.

hardc0re42 says... #27

  1. Olivia, Vampire Queen
  2. Vampire Tribal theme deck
  3. No limitations, but as much vampire stuff as possible.
  4. Around $200 for now and more later on
  5. Casual building into competitive
June 2, 2013 2:56 p.m.

Grimgrinner says... #28

Well, I might as well throw my lot in. Btw Epoch, I think you're pretty awesome for doing this. I also really like the look of your dreamcrusher deck. [1]: Grimmygrams [2]: Basically I just picked my favorite legendary and thew together a big pile of cards that kinda work with him. Kinda trying to do a little control and a little aggro at the same time, kinda midrange i suppose. When I say control though, I mean more controlling the board state and not having people pound my face in. I would like to see more crazy stuff in the deck like Consuming Aberration , or AEtherling . I'm competitive in standard, but in EDH you could say i'm a typical "Timmy" player. Also kinda open to going monoblack and changing my commander. [3]. Limited or no counterspells, limited removal, follows the official banlist. A lot of censoring of things deemed "Unfun", like ruining somebody's combo. [4]. Somewhat small budget, can spend a little. I am allowed however, up to 10 proxy cards, but they must be valued under $50 if it's a proxy (starcity games price), and my commander can not be a proxy. Also not allowed to make all 10 proxy cards right around the $50 mark, or else everybody would do that. [5]. My playgroup isn't just casual, it's militarily enforced casual. when I countered a Furyborn Hellkite one time, that player literally punched me. Counter spells are technically allowed, but deemed "unfun". When my playgroup does EDH we mostly just want to see crazy combos go off and see huge number swings. For example, one player has a Borborygmos Enraged deck that, left unchecked, can hammer somebody for 50 commander damage. I'm allowed to control, but I'm not allowed to "ruin other people's fun". Also the best player in my group uses Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts , and a bunch of things like Pacifism and One Thousand Lashes , so I kinda need some help dealing with him. Yes, I know that sounds like a lot of contradictions, but it's the position I'm in.

June 2, 2013 5:32 p.m.

Angamir says... #29

Hopefully you find time to check out my deck. I really appreciate it, especially since I've taken a few ideas from Dominus - Dreamcrusher Edition.

  1. The Final Experiment
  2. There are two halves to each combo; tap for mana, untap to some benefit (usually infinite mana). There are a lot of ways to assemble infinite mana which is a strength, but not so many ways to end the game once I'm there.
  3. I just want to
  4. I try to avoid more than $20 per card
  5. Meta is becoming more competitive but very slow in the early game.

Thanks for any help you provide.

June 2, 2013 5:40 p.m.
  1. Lovisa Coldeyes Warrior Tribal
  2. Warrior Tribal
  3. No Limitations
  4. 100-200$ for now.
  5. Meta is some infinite combos but mostly fair decks with synergy.
June 2, 2013 6:05 p.m.

Ohthenoises says... #31

Why not?

  1. Ghave, Guru of Binary.

  2. "Competitive" combo meant to win.

  3. None really.

  4. I dislike purchasing cards over $10 but could trade for them.

  5. No meta really, I just play it when I want to win. (Or try to lol.)

June 2, 2013 6:06 p.m.

rockychen00 says... #32


  2. The goal is to boost your creatures with spells and bloodrush and then attack your enemy, I also plan to add fling for maximum damage output.

  3. There is no limitations for this deck.

  4. Budget should be rather low but $50 at the max.

  5. Meta is casual for playing with friends.

Thanks, I am rather new to MTG so your help is much appreciated.

  • Rocky
June 2, 2013 7:34 p.m.

VonTenko says... #33

  1. Crosis, the Deck Purger EDH
  2. Lots of Wheel of Fortune /Windfall effects. And I make use of every clone in Grixis. I either can win by decking out my opponents, or Laboratory Maniac . What I love about the play of the deck is my opponents know the cards in their hand won't be there very long, so it's a very mind-game deck and I love it.
  3. As for limits, I don't like infinite combos but if one happens to end up in the deck because the cards work well independently of each other I have no issue. The important thing is that I can usually win without the combo.
  4. When it comes to budget, I don't really have one. I do want to avoid individual cards that are over like $20 only because I use trades as my primary way of obtaining cards. But if you have some suggestions over that limit I'll still take them into consideration, as long as they're not crazy expensive.
  5. It's meant for casual play and multiplayer games, but a lot of my 'casual' playmates are pretty hardcore magic players. So I'm always looking for any option to make it any better. If an opponent wants to play hardball, I want to be able to hold my own.
June 2, 2013 8:20 p.m.

gerfinkle says... #34

  1. Damia's Deathtouch
  2. Building a BUG deck around deathtouch and various other effects, like first strike and pinging.
  3. No infinite combos
  4. I'd rather not pay more than $5-6 for any single card, with the notable exception of something like Vraska the Unseen
  5. As casual as it gets.
June 2, 2013 10:08 p.m.

A link to the deck: Allied Surge

This is a Primal Surge deck (ie. no instants/sorceries other than the Surge), with all 30 Allies as the main support, and Landfall creatures to assist with the win-con. The general is currently Child of Alara , but I'm open to another one. Giving thought to either Karona, False God or Progenitus .

The only design limitations I really have are no non-permanents other than Primal Surge...and it's gotta keep the Allies. Landfall is optional, but whatever I replace it with needs to have just as much impact.

As for budget, I mostly get my cards through trade, but I'm willing to spend some cash. Not looking for any craziness like ABUR dual lands though...maybe $20-30 max, per card.

The metas I play in are pretty cut-throat, but still stick to the banned list. I play this deck in kitchen-table casual and LGS multi-player matches and have won both types, but have yet to try it out in a sanctioned 1v1 format, which is usually pretty fast, even for EDH.

June 3, 2013 12:44 a.m.

boomtownblues says... #36

  1. Zedruu, the Asshole

  2. Play chaos cards (Confusion in the Ranks , etc), donate offensively (ie, Steel Golem ), sneak in the occasional bomb or steal one to win

  3. No limitation outside of the banned list

  4. No budget

  5. Mostly casual

My biggest problem is I don't know how to slim down my deck! Are there cards I definitely should/should not include?

June 3, 2013 1:01 a.m.

Just giving everyone an update: I'm about halfway through the third page. I will try to get to a few decks each day, but I can't make any promises because undergraduate research will be eating up a lot of my time.

June 3, 2013 1:47 a.m.

solnox says... #38

  1. Intet the Dreamer 2.0
  2. It's my second take on Intet. Goal is to ramp as much as possible to hardcast fatties or have Intet cheat them into play
  3. Straightforward Ramp and Beat, I'm not that great a combo player
  4. Budgety 150$ max
  5. Casual
June 3, 2013 1:26 p.m.

erabel says... #39

I know you're only halfway through page 3, and I've already asked for help on a deck on page 5, but I've got another deck idea I want you to look at.

  1. I'll think of a name later.

  2. Bant EDH, with the goal being to just screw around with my opponents. Came up with it after learning about the Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Nature's Revolt interaction, and realizing blue was also a nice color to have. Phelddagrif 's the commander only because of the colors.

  3. Palinchron 's banned in my meta, so don't go suggesting it over Peregrine Drake . Other than that, I'll tell you if a suggestion's banned, because the list's a bit longer than what I can commit to memory.

  4. I'm planning on spending a LOT of money getting the land base right (the whole 3-3-9 thing), so I'd like any suggestions to stay on the less expensive end.

  5. This one's gonna be a tournament thing.

June 4, 2013 12:31 a.m.

SuperNuggit says... #40

  1. Kaalia EDH Deck
  2. Swing hard and often to drop as many creatures with Kaalia of the Vast as often as I can
  3. All creatures have to be Angels, Demons, or Dragons. Mother of Runes Is there due to an opressive amount of spot removal
  4. ~$450, I can go over but I'd prefer to keep it on the cheap side
  5. Casual, Me and my brother are quite competitive though
June 4, 2013 1:38 a.m.

JIV_IV says... #41

Make 'Im Big

Either overrun with an army of creatures, or make Grimgrin, Corpse-Born big

no limit

no budget

casual meta

June 6, 2013 5:06 p.m.
  1. Link Text

  2. the goal for this deck to me is commander damage

  3. no infinite combos, no eldrazi creatures

  4. no real budget, would prefer to keep cards under 40 each but a few above wouldnt mind

  5. mostly play 4 player free for all EDH games. very few 2 player or even duel commander games.

June 12, 2013 12:18 p.m.

JIV_IV says... #43

Devout Following

Goal is to get an army on the field

No limit

No budget

Casual meta

June 12, 2013 6:48 p.m.
  1. The Fate of the Weak
  2. The major theme of the deck is resource destruction and reanimation. The deck wants to use discard, destruction and permission effects to limit the enemies options, and then pick and choose what to take from the wreckage.
  3. No Limitations
  4. I don't want to go too pricy; this is still a concept deck at the moment, but its one that I want to be able to put together and use. That said, Eternal Formats are costly and I'm already expecting to put a lot of time and effort into this.
  5. Relatively casual; that's not to say that the strategies in use are not well-designed and powerful, but the stakes are low and the attitude relaxed.

I'm still new to this, so beyond what I've managed to gather from guides and suggested card lists, I'm flying blind in EDH-land. Advice is definitely appreciated.

June 12, 2013 8:38 p.m.

gufymike says... #45

Grixis Tribal Vampire with Garza Zol, Plague Queen as the commander. Two reasons why her, grixis and I can run Blood Tyrant in a tribal deck. I guess the one thing I'm aiming to do is make it a bit more resilient. I'm adding Manriki-Gusari to deal with swords and other equipment starting to pop up in abundance in my meta.

But I'm not sure if the blue spells I'm running are optimal or enough. I'm happy with it a lot but it does start slow.

budget to add to this is about another 100-150$

This is purely a casual deck that plays in a heavy competitive environment where combos and strong interaction are heavily abundant, even casually.

deck chart The Freaks Come Out At Night

Commander / EDH* gufymike Playtest

June 17, 2013 2:26 p.m.

Sikening says... #46

Thraximundar's Sacrificial Pit

Description:Really, I'm not sure what I want it to do. I want it to cause players to sacrifice to pump up Thraximundar as well as return those creatures to my field (like with the effect of Unscythe, Killer of Kings but not necessarily through combat. I think there was an enchantment that causes all opponents creatures to die to re-enter the field with a +1/+1 counter under your control). Really, this deck was put together at a moments notice, but I am looking to improve it based on what it is now; burn, control and kill.

Limitations:None, really. I'd rather stay away from infinite combos, such as Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind enchanted with Curiosity , but I'm not opposed to having the cards in my deck for that option.

Budget:I have no money. Like, take the number zero, and subtract from that. But I do get a lot of store credit and trade ins, plus once I can find a job I'll have money to spend. So Budget isn't an issue, it would be more of an acquire-over-time.


June 18, 2013 10:24 p.m.

djd2488 says... #47

  1. Copycats
  2. Draw a lot of cards, copy a lot of spells, get some back and copy them again. Only real wincon is the X damage spells being copied.
  3. No infinite combos, want to stay heavy on instants/sorceries and stick to theme.
  4. Not a strict budget, but I'm not looking to spend a ton (see #5).
  5. Casual meta.
June 20, 2013 3:16 p.m.

My deck is Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind EDH. My general is Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind . The deck is built around taking advantage of his ability, and includes Curiosity and Ophidian Eye for the combo. I have Laboratory Maniac to help with large groups. I also have some other creatures in there for beats, and a lot of card draw both to use with Niv-Mizzet and to keep games random.

June 20, 2013 4:02 p.m.

SeniorBlopi says... #49

Changed the deck so much that iscrapped it and started over now, so here it goes

  1. Sheoldred Reanimation... Thing

  2. Reanimation and such

  3. Again none really, although I'd like to keep the inifinties to a minimum (like only one or two)

  4. Anywhere between $300 and $400

  5. Casual-ish, we play very competitive decks for fun, Except Zedruu, He just likes to fuck with other poeple.

June 21, 2013 5:55 p.m.

Babypanth3r says... #50

I I am completely new to MTG and would like to make a commander deck but have no idea on how to put together a good one. I read your articles and seen your deck and really liked it. I would be honored and very much appreciate if you helped me make a great green black (golgari) with Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord as my general.1. all cards i have2.My goal is to win quickly and aggressively. This is an unfinished deck and most the cards are not good so I will have to pretty much start from scratch. I also want to be able to hold my own and win if I can not win quickly.3. I do not really think I have any design limitations4. I do not have a budget really. It is just that the more expensive the deck the longer it will take me to build so if there is a card that's just as good as another but it is cheaper I would prefer that.5. I will be playing this in casual commander and competitive. I want to win as often as possible but not be so obnoxious as to drive away casual players because that is where the fun is.

June 21, 2013 9:20 p.m.

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