Old Big Creature Deck, circa 2004

Deck Help forum

Posted on Sept. 1, 2011, 2:31 a.m. by masterchiefoo7


I used to play this game back when mirroden came out, and I decided that I wanted to make a unique deck, so I had (at the time) all the big creatures with a power of 11 or greater; Phyrexian Dreadnought , Krosan Cloudscraper , Polar Kraken , Denizen of the Deep , and Darksteel Colossus .

My deck was never any good, I would always throw in a card that I found appealing, as you can see, I've added a few new cards here and there, but nothing of a game changer. and I won a few games. Now, My friends are getting back into Magic, and I want to try and make my deck better. usually I play against a Zombie Deck, Cleric Deck, or a war tax deck, but lately I always lose. I use Wash Out for clearing the board and Tooth & Nail to get out my big creatures.

I think I need more mana acceleration or evasion, perhaps more Rampant Growth and less Explosive Vegetation ?, but I also was curious if there were any other fun cards I could put in. I am not interested in any of the annihilator creatures (my playgroup would hate them). I cant believe how expensive some of my (circa 2003) lame cards like Stifle and Tooth & Nail have gotten!

I was considering adding Levitation , Water Servant ,or Echo Mage and removing Lure , Copperhoof Vorrac or an Infiltrate . Are there any fun, casual cards that would fit in my deck, and what do I need to do in order for it to be better?

Basically, all I want is to make the deck faster/more efficient, keep big creatures, maybe add some more fun cards?

masterchiefoo7 says... #2

Big Creature

sorry, new here!

September 1, 2011 2:32 a.m.

Rhadamanthus says... #3

I love decks like this, so the comment I'm leaving will probably end up being pretty long and involved before I'm through.

September 1, 2011 10:19 a.m.

Nighthawk86 says... #4

If you have green in the deck, plus big creatures, I'd advise putting some Elvish Piper s.

Also, for mana-ramping, I'd advise Khalni Heart Expedition , Cultivate , card:Kodama's Reach, and Harrow for non-creatures. For land-fetching creatures, there's Sylvan Ranger and Borderland Ranger . Llanowar Elves never hurts either.

As for creatures that are WMD's, it would depend on what colors you plan on running. I'm not gonna just ramble off different names of things I like. So, that's my question to you: What colors do you all plan on running?

September 1, 2011 11:41 p.m.

masterchiefoo7 says... #5

I appreciate all of your comments!

I've changes about 9 cards in the deck, which you can now find here: Better, Bigger Creatures

I'm concerned about putting in the Elvish Piper , because in the past, he dies pretty quickly. Planar Portal + Elvish Piper + Seedborn Muse worked pretty well in multiplayer games, but I never ran multiples of each so it was chance if I ever got to use it.

I think I need to keep Eon Hub because the decks I play against run various Hondens and Call to the Grave .

I took out Seedborn Muse and added a Cryptoplasm , even though that wont work with Eon Hub .

some other creatures I added were card:Garruk's Horde which should speed things up when I get mana available, a Djinn of Wishes which can help me play some of the more expensive cards, but it will require some luck. I might need some kind of tutor, but I do not have any. I also added a Water Servant as a filler card until I find something better, but I thought I might need a blue creature in that range.

I also removed a Stifle and Infiltrate , but I'm concerned on how that will affect my evasion and stifle helps keep my opponents on their toes.

I added 3 lands (2 card:Mirrodin's Core ) in hopes that it will help my mana curve, and I haven't changed any of my mana acceleration yet, because I don't have anything else. I plan on replacing Journey of Discovery and Sprouting Vines with 3 more Rampant Growth . I am confident this will fix my mana problem.

I do not have the best creature fetching cards, but I added a Summoning Trap in hopes that it will do the job, even though I only have 14 creatures in the deck. a tutor might come in handy there. I also use Chord of Calling which can grab me whatever I want (assuming i get the mana)

Also, I put in a Mythic Proportions because it fits in with the theme of my deck and helps with evasion. I know it's bulky but it should be fun.

I know I only run one of each kind of card, but I like the diversity of my cards and multiples of cards seem kind of...boring.

How do you think it's shaping up? what are some things I need to be looking out for?

your advice has been great, please keep it coming!

September 2, 2011 3:14 a.m.

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