OMG I made a standard deck....
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 28, 2013, 10:09 p.m. by UmbrotheUmbreon
It's true ;w; I'm so ashamed....
UmbrotheUmbreon says... #3
I know right? ;w; (lol some advice and thoughts on it please?)
November 28, 2013 10:25 p.m.
amishrambo says... #4
Swift Justice man is goanna go wonderfully in this deck
November 28, 2013 11:08 p.m.
UmbrotheUmbreon says... #5
Oh, I like. What should I remove, how many, and why?
November 28, 2013 11:37 p.m.
amishrambo says... #6
to explain why swift justice is the tits in this deck is pretty your creatures first strike to trade with almost anything2. gives lifelink and lifelink is good
(you will net 4 life MINIMUM played right turn 3 you have Battlewise Hoplite out you play a land you throw a ordeal on it swing it got two counters then you justice it then your left with 10 life or 2 cards and a big life difference)
November 29, 2013 12:05 a.m.
UmbrotheUmbreon says... #7
Explanation was not needed amishrambo :D I can see why it is hilariously appropriate.
Unforgivn_II says... #2
I don't believe it. SELLOUT!
November 28, 2013 10:17 p.m.