On the horns of a dilemma- 'Taurs or Hydra?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 4, 2014, 9:05 p.m. by Korombos
I have a standard constructed tournament I can attend coming up in two weeks. I can never make it to FNM, so I have very little experience in the standard environment. I have two almost-casual, almost-competitive decks that I know are probably putting the pinch on one another.
What I need help with is this: which deck should I focus on sharpening for the tournament? I think I can conscience a budget of $30-50 to make modifications. I have a box of BNG coming next week, so hopefully if I need BNG cards I'll be able to get lucky or trade out of there.
The candidates:Xenagos & Domri Party- Advice Welcomed R/G ramp into hydras
Chaos' Home for Wayward Reckoners MRD
So should I gut one to feed the other? Which one do you think it the more promising strategy?
Cards to buy:Should I buy Savageborn Hydra s, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx s, Stormbreath Dragon s, gods, or planeswalkers? Should I fork out for that 4th Stomping Ground ? Ash Zealot s?