Opinions on my budget old school deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 26, 2024, 2:41 p.m. by halanvaina
https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/hells-robots-1/ I worked on this deck for more than two months (which is why it has more views than it should), and I think I have something real solid. Basically get artifacts out as soon as possible, sack then to the preist or cast Dark Rituals, and get those robots out by turn 3 - 4 in the best case. If I can't find a Knowledge Vault I'll replace it with a Book of Rass. I can also get those robots back using those tokens from Tetravus and sack them to Hell's Caretaker. If the Yawgmoth Demon can stay it can be a wincon. Also has burn to get problematic creatures out of the way or to get just enough damage to win. The Mana Flare can get me across if I'm down on my luck. Flase Orders in the sideboard just in case of creature based strategies, as I can force a bad block and kill for lethal for, say an Atog. So yeah tell me what you think.
I tested it out, one thing I noticed is that you don't have a ton of card draw, I wonder if Jalum Tome would work as a x1 or x2? It's a great card if you're flooding in particular. Animate Dead is a nifty Black card that might be worth a look, you have Mind Twist so you might steal something even, but I'd mostly see you using it on your own creatures.
May 27, 2024 4:20 p.m.
halanvaina says... #4
I thought Animate Dead was more expensive than it is while making this deck. I'll try to add it in, but the deck list is super tight. I'll be sure to jam in a Jalum Tome, since you have a point about it. It solves the problem of only drawing into my mana sources.
Balaam__ says... #2
I couldn’t get the url you posted to work. I believe this is the deck you’re talking about, I’m posting it here for ease of reference.
Hell's Robots
May 27, 2024 10:32 a.m.